There's This guy...that I really like

there is this guy that I’ve known already for a year and a half and I realllyyy doo likee him, I think its love. we met last year and ever since we’ve both had a “thing” for each other. He’s not the BEST looking guy and I dont know why I fell for him, but he’s sooo SWEET! He used to call me when I didn’t go to school and asked my friends why wasn’t I in school. he did soo many other things as well!! but this year…we lock eyes in the hallway and sometimes smile at each other. sometimes he looks back at me to see if im looking at him. its VERY noticeable. I was hanging out with my friend one night and she texted him saying that she was with the girl he loved. then he asked who and she said my name, and he told her to tell me that he misses me!!! =D I wass sooo excited! but still he didn’t even speak to me the next day in school about it. he talks to other girls online and at school. BUT NOT ME!! I’ve only spoken to him twice the whole entire year! and if he didn’t like me he wouldn’t tell me he misses me and look back at me in the hallway. HELP WHAT SHOULD I DO?! What should I do to make him admit he likes me so I can tell him I like him back? or what should I do?! PLEASE HELP! thanks (:

Answer #1

Hes probably just really shy, just tell him how you feel.. if hes saying he misses you I would think he likes you… Just make him admit it… It might take time, but if hes a good guy its worth it.. or talk to one of his guy friends and have him talk to him for you and find out who he likes…

good luck!

Answer #2

thanks! that was great advice =)

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