There's this boy...

I really like him and im not sure if he likes me back. Were kinda friends I know he’s got my back. Sometimes he hugs me and puts his arm aroud me and I love that feeling so much, but he does that with a lot of girls who are his friends so im not sure if hes just joking or if he really likes me..

Answer #1

I don’t know how old you are, which would help, but heres my best advice.. Psychology tells us that we use jokes to manifest our hidden desires. Does he touch you more than your friends? less? yes to either of these might mean he likes you Does he make excuses to touch you? Does he joke about going out with you/ hooking up with you/ etc? Do you talk to him outside of school? Does he have your cell number? AIM? Are you facebook friends? When you talk, does he ever initiate the conversation?

the more yes answers you have, the more likely it is he likes you. remember, there are ways of finding out-flirt alittle. joke about the two of you going out, initiate more conversations, touch him first. He will take the hint, and if he likes you, his feelings should become more obvious.

Answer #2

well this is all good advice but .. if he does this to multiple girls than he could be leading on a few… like a player this has happened to so many girls I know they meet an amazing guy but are unsure of who he likes

they fail to look at what his motives are. I dont want to say stop but it could be better

also losing interest as in making “only friends” type moves tend to draw people closer sometimes.

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