There is this girl...

that I see every thursday and sometimes while she is out running but I don’t really know her. She knows my name (I don’t know hers) and I know what school she goes to (but not my school). I think that she is in the same grade as me. I would like to get to know her but I’m not really sure how. I am sometimes riding my bike around the neighborhood when and we cross paths. What could I do to get her attention (I say hi and smile but that’s about it). She always smiles at me when I see her but she is pretty shy. She always looks amazing, but not in a really slu**y or “hot” way. I need some way for her to want to stop and talk to me as well as some things to say to start things off. I’m kind of shy too so I want to do something that won’t be really awkward. Girls in particular, what makes you want to go over and talk to guys?

thanks a lot :)

I’m seventeen (and a guy)

Answer #1

Well it seems like she likes you, but she is just shy, and im a shy girl too so I would want the guy to make the first move as far as talking to me. I would start by going up to her and say hey. Then introduce yourself to her, you have nothing to loose really and everything to gain. So go for it.

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