The ugly duckling?

ummm… How do you truly know if your beautiful?? =/ I mean, people hate you for no reason, you haven’t done anything to then… And I don’t know what to do?… =( then my friends get mad at me because guys, even their BFs!!, are looking at me and wanting to talk to me… And when people tell me I’m pretty, I say no I’m not and laugh… So now they think I’m stucck up… And umm, yea I don’t know what to do?… Ignore it, move somewhere else?… Just leave, run away??… I don’t know and I’m really non jugmental and I don’t get hurt easily… So if you have a harsh comment, please go ahead!… =) and I guess I hope to hear from someone?… Ok bye!

Answer #1

I say who cares dont let them judge you if your hot then your hot who cares what others think people should like you for u ps im new at this website could you talk to me and maybe help me out

Answer #2

You sound like your average teenage girl. The teenage years are so awkward - everything and everybody is changing at different paces, acne, peer pressure to look like the popular kids, and so on. In the end - you have to have confidence. You have to believe that you are beautiful - before anyone else will believe it.

Answer #3

Hey maybe they hate you because they are jealous of your good looks. It sounds to me your just going throught a bit of low self esteem - and by the looks your pretty. I wouldn’t worry.

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