The school's floosie took my boyfriend!

Her’e the deasl, technically it wasn’t official that we were “together” but everyone else new we were. WE WERE THE POWER COUPLE! Finally at the graduation dance instead of dancing with me and going with me he danced with the school’s floosie. I was soooooo mad! But again since it wasn’t official that we were together I couldn’t say anything. They astarted to go out and he was all she ever talked about! Ugh! It was soooooo annoying! And soon I found that no matter how hard I tried to get him out of my mind he always stays. I finally got up the courage to ask him if he ever felt for me and the jerk said no! After that I just let go but every single day he’s all I think about! I can’t even focus in school. In the back of all my papers I keep writing J + N = Love. The next dance is coming up and she is going with him. What can I do to get him jealous enough to get him back? I really love him! Please help!

Answer #1

why do you want him back? he is a jerk who treated you very badly! who cares about getting back at them, they deserve each other! move on and find someone who treats you right and when he sees you happy with someone else truly moving on that will be enough to burn him.

Answer #2

hey i know frist hand how it is to love someone or think you love someone. you need to say f him and find someone better he is not worth it. trust me find someone else that treats you like a god. there may only be few but they are there.

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