How to make my finger slimmer?

ok so I have this really pretty ring, it used to fit me last year, but I cant get it thruogh my finger right now, because my ring finger is too fat for it lol. Is there any way I could slim my finger?lol

Answer #1

Well to slim down your finger you’d have to slim down your whole body by exercise… so if you’re lazy - getting the ring re-sized is a “”lazier”” option.

xox Sika

Answer #2

Put your hand under cold water for about a minute. I live in Maine, and whenever it gets very cold outside, I have the hardest time keeping my wedding band and engagement ring on

Answer #3

ya, to lose weight in your hands and feet and face, you really have to lose weight everywhere, but some ppls fingers swell because they eat to much salt, maybe you should try to quit eating that,(if you do) or maybe take the pills that make you lose water weight, because it could also be something like that.

Answer #4

I think the best and easiest way would just to get the ring resized, if you want it to fit that bad… you’ll do it.

Answer #5

No but you could take the ring to a jeweler and get it re-sized. (seems like a more logical solution lol)

xox Sika

Answer #6

thanks but im too lazy to go and get the ring re-sized…

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