What do you think of the "Pregnant Man"?

For those who don’t know the story. The person was born a woman, and had a sex change to become a man, but did not have a full sex change (she did not get a penis). The person still had a uterus, and decided to concieve a child and become pregnant.

It kind of frustrates me that people keep going on and on about the pregnant “Man” when in fact, it is a woman. The person was born with boobs, a uterus, and a vagina. All the person did was cut off his boobs, take some testosterone, and grow a beard.

Do any of you still think that this person should be considered a pregnant man?

Answer #1

I never heard this story but if the person was born a female and didn’t have a full sex change so they are still part woman and since the person is pregnat then I would say its not a lot different than a woman having a child. CAUSE IT IS A WOMAN… Did the person keep the baby or is she/he planning to?

Answer #2


There is not an operation that has been perfected yet to give a woman - a fully functional penis.

When a woman takes testosterone to become a man, usually her clitorus grows and can appear to be a penis, but she still has a vagina.

He DID give birth naturally.

Answer #3

in referring to the fact that he can’t have birth naturally he needs a cesection…his vagina had the sex change surgery…

Answer #4

I think what colorfuldollface is referring to is the fact that he now has what appears to be a pnis…the hormones he’s taking made his clitoris grow to about the size of a pnis and apparently it works sort of like one. This is why she never had the full sex change.

You learn all kinds of odd things on the Discovery Channel

Answer #5

Well, he has a vag…and thats obviously woman-like. And he’s pregnet..and thats woman-like too. And since he was born as a girls…well, thats woman-like, also. Not so science-like if it was just a simple woman who had a sex change and happened to get pregnet.

Answer #6

.. he’s legally a man.

even though he does have female reproductive organs, it still IS a big deal because a transgender person has never given birth before. who cares what he has in between his legs, he’ s still a pregnant MAN.

Answer #7

it depends what (just going to call them a he) he wants to be called. not up to us…does he want to be considered a man, or a woman? whatever he picks, thats what we’ll all have to live with…although it isn’t really a big deal to me. I consider him a woman - just because he has a beard doesn’t make him a man. but, like I said, not up to me, or anyone else

Answer #8

I don’t think it should be made such a big deal and put into science magazines… if it has a vagina and has babies with that vagina than it is a woman… if this so called man wants to be a man then he should get a penis.

Answer #9

I understand that he wants to be a Man and be called a Man.

Do you really think that this should be published in Science magazines and be made such a big deal though. Technically he still has a vagina and reproductive oragans. I can see making a big deal if he had a penis now, but he doesn’t.

Answer #10

legaly or illegaly a man…”he’s” a woman.yea its weird when you first think about it but its just a woman giving birth by cesection…with a butchered vaj.

Answer #11

She had a sex change in that her breasts were removed. It’s not possible to create a fully-functioning penis through surgical means. I’m sure if it were possible, HE would have gotten it done.

Answer #12

I don’t think SHE should be classified as a pregnant man. I’m tired of hearing about the whole thing all together.

Answer #13

Well the article I read stated that the woman had a sex change,thats why it was a big deal to begin with…otherwise it would just be a pregnant butch…thats why she needed a cesection.

Answer #14

Oh my goodness, that’s exactly what I said!!! How in the world is she considered a man? I don’t get it. She was born a woman, therefore she is not a pregnant man, no matter what changes she got done.

Answer #15

The person never got a Full sex change, she still had a vagina and could have the baby naturally. That is why I am curious to know the big deal.

Answer #16

The pregnant man that we are talking about did give birth naturally. He did not have a c-section. When a man gets a sex change they take out all the female reproductive organs not just the vagina.

On the Discovery Channel he did an interview where he says that he gave birth naturally and it hurt like hell.

He did not have a sex change or c-section. He also does not have a p*nis.

I think that you should realize that maybe you have your stories messed up.

Answer #17

no I understand that she wants to become a man and when people want to change there gender they want to be known as that gender not as the gender they were before but she was born a woman she has female reproductive organs, which means she can create a baby when she becomes a man, then ill call her a man but while shes pregnant, shes a woman because no men have female reproductive organs, if they did…they wouldnt be called men

Answer #18

I think it depends on what makes you define gender. I know a few transgendered people, and they are really the gender they say they are , inside their heads. It’s like they were born with the wrong body..however, most of them get their insides all taken out, so they can’t rear children, and I think Thomas Beatie is in the minority, keeping his reproductive organs. However, I find it disrespectful to call him a “her”…

Answer #19

I agree 100%. If you have a uterus and ovaries there is no way that you can be a man. I also don’t understand why the news and “Discovery Channels” are making such a big deal about it. Apparently she did everything to make herself a man but get a sex change. She even…legally…became a man on her birth certificate. I think that’s why they keep saying the “pregnant man”. But to me, he’s still a girl because he has the female reproductive organs.

Answer #20

judos to him. he got what he obviouslly wanted, and he shouldnt care what people think about him or his kids. go DUDE!

Answer #21

Socially a man, genetically and biologically a woman.

Pregnancy is a genetic and biological thing.

Answer #22

you guys have your stories messed up…her vagina was butchered.

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