the Player

okay my xbf is a real player he cheated on me and then the DAY after we broke up he asked another girl out..he went out with her for a month and then last night he dumped her for some chick that he had met I guess I don’t know… he handed me a note saying that he still wanted to be with me but couldnt because he made a huge mistake a)that he cheated on me with one of my good friends and b) because he also liked my best friend and she told him to ‘f*‘ off. and that he knew he could never get me back….I seriously do not understand why he is trying to do this because hes probably already got another girlfriend…is he TRYING to mess with my head??? it seriously pisses me off…I feel srry for the next girl….I wish I could warn her somehow but she would probably hate me and think I;m trying to get back with him or something..GAG ME

Answer #1

haha been there done that………sometimes we look back and wonder wat we were thinking with these players and losers we dated. Honestly, forget him! he sounds like a lost puppy who has no idea about anything, the worst thing you can do is get back with him! he cheated, he made the mistake, he needs to deal wit it. You no you deserve better, and you will find better in time, but let him stew in his own shame, you dont have time for his dramas.

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