The mystery of my friends

I had I pretty HUGE problem with my best friend sara today at school, and she started this problem! and she’s not apolagizing! and at the end of the day, I was sitting with the other girls, and suddenly a girl comes and tells me that sara is sorry!! and I didn’t accept her sorrow!! so, I was so mad, any way, I figured out that she didn’t like me from the begining and she was lieing to me and telling my secrets to everyone!! so, when the other girls saw that, they stood by my side ALL the time!! I was SHOKED!!! REALLY SHOKED!! I never knew that one day they would stand by my side! I felt so happy! I felt weird! she couldn’t say anything cause SHE was shoked herself!! even the popular girls (with their groups) stood by my side! what do you call them? REAL friends?!! or just trying to act peacfull, sweet and helpful?!! lol, I was smiling all the way back home, that my brother started asking me if I was ok!!! lol!!!

Answer #1

I still can’t understand whats happening!! I’m still thinking about it!! and I really like whats happening right now!! popular girls started sitting with us at lunch time!! I’m so happy!!! and sara is sitting with some stupid girls!!! (stupid girls are the girls who smoke and stuff..)
I’m truly disappointed in her!

Answer #2

haha sounds cool. im in the “popular clique” at my school. it feels great :)

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