The L word is not in our vocabulary.

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years now we have a great relationship and we really like each other a lot. We hang out almost everyday and talk to each other all day on the phone, but there’s one thing? we have yet to say the L word. Yes, after 2 years, we have never said the “I love you.” We say “I like you a lot,” I like you ton, “I really really like you,” “I’m falling for you” but never I love you. LOL.

I have never say I love to a guy first. For me, when someone say I love you I dont get all mushy or shocked or feel like it is the most important step in a relatioship. my last boyfriend said he loved me after like 2 months of dating, it was so weird. I didn’t say it back to him that time, but eventually I did because he was grilling me about it, so I just said to shut him up. I ended up breaking up with him after 2years into the relationship becuase I realised that I didn’t mean the L word ever.

So at this point of my life, I’m glad to say that I have found my soulmate (whatever that means) and I’m happy with my little cutie pie who’s so cute and loving. My friends think it’s abnormal that we have not say we love each other yet. I told them that as longs as he shows it to me everyday, which he does, it doesn’t really matter because to tell you the truth, I’m glad we show it instead of saying it everyday because that gets so flipping annoying, in my opinion anyway.

So do you think we’re abnormal?

Answer #1

no, just one day you may want to casually say, “hey babe, (or whatever you want to call him…) I love you.” TA-DAA!!!

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