the guy world?

theres a guy at my school that is totally mean and rude to me! but then hes all nice and stuff to me at the times where I need it the least and rarely the most!

is it really true that if a guy is mean and stuff he likes u???

and I think I like him soo I was thinking of a way to get closer to him.should I ask him why hes so mean. and if he says somthin sweet …do I hug him!!??

Answer #1

I think I had the same problem like this guy he’s not like mean but it’s like insults in front of all his guy friends, okay so a total ahole but then when it’s just me and him he was nice and chill and stuff. so one time I just completly ignored him and he asked me whats wrong and I said your being an ahole so then he stopped. lol. I don’t know if we had the same problem or not but yaaah!

Answer #2

well it depends on the guy he might be scared to talk to you so he act’s like that because that is the only way he can speak to you so just go up to him and flirt and you could hug him bye but yeah go flirt with him a couple of times and see how it goes but if he keeps being mean to you then he just might be a jerk so there ya go :)

Answer #3

Yes and no, it all depends on the guy.If he is mean to everyone then its a no. If he is just mean to you and he is nice to you at certain times then yes. He is probolly confused on how he feels about you. Flirt with him,see if he flirts back and just give him a hug when you say bye to him.

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