The Gummie Bear Song

A B C D E F G Gummie Bears Are After Me 1 is Red 1 is Blue The Green 1 took of with my shoe hijklmnop why do gummie bears hate me?

My friend and I were very bord but what do you think?

Any add on sugestions welcome =}

Answer #1

Edited Version

A B C D E F G Gummie Bears are after me 1 is red 1 is blue the green 1 took off with my shoe H I J K L M and O P Why do gummie bears hate me Q are S T U V And now da Yellow 1s headbuttin me O.M.G W X why AND Z C YA THE GUMMIE BEARS are EATIN ME

Answer #2

‘qrstuv, the yellow one is head butting me’ …yeahh, idunno. The song is very brilliant, though.

Answer #3

LOL I love that song lol

Answer #4

haha I lyks it

Answer #5

lol thats really funny. nice

Answer #6

its a song my friend and I made

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