The Fray:You found me?

What does Amistad in the song mean And what is the overall meaning of the song? Who is he referring to?

Answer #1

Amistad is a street name.

here you go.. this is what the singer said the meaning of the song was:

In an interview, Isaac Slade expressed his meaning behind the lyrics of the song:

“You Found Me is a tough song for me. Its about the disappointment, the heart ache, the let down that comes with life. Sometimes you’re let down, sometimes you’re the one who lets someone else down. It gets hard to know who you can trust, who you can count on. This song came out of a tough time, and I’m still right in the thick of it. There’s some difficult circumstances my family and friends have been going through over the past year or so and can be overwhelming. It wears on me. It demands so much of my faith to keep believing, keep hoping in the unseen. Sometimes the tunnel has a light at the end, but usually they just look black as night. This song is about that feeling, and the hope that I still have, buried deep in my chest.”[5]

In another interview Isaac Slade declared that:

"I kept getting these phone calls from home - tragedy after tragedy... If there is some kind of person in charge of this planet - are they sleeping? Smoking? Where are they? I just imagined running into God standing on a street corner like Bruce Springsteen, smoking a cigarette, and I'd have it out with him."

Answer #2

Isn’t Amistad the street name? Because he says ‘I found God on the corner of 1st and Amistad’. Meaning on the song, I think, is he was alone and didn’t know where to turn, then God came into his life. Also, I think this song is telling everyone to turn to God when everything goes wrong.

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