The classic "my girlfriends mad at me" question

Well she is really really mad at me and im really confused about the whole thing, I’ve known her about 3 years, we have been going out for a year and a half and havent had any trouble or anything, basically shes got these friends who she goes out on weekends with, I dont like them, this is because they are all older guys and shes the only girl, this doesnt bother me since I trust her and everything but one of them tried to manipulate her sort of, feeling her leg when she was drunk and whatnot and she last year she said she was sorta attracted to him, but she was all upset and apologetic so I said it was fine and no big deal, naturally I marked this man down in my brain as a “bit of a tosser” before all this I used to go out on the weekends with her and her friends but since then I have not since I hate this guy, she keeps on trying to get me to go out with them but I dont want to, I know it wasnt anything really and its been a year but it would make me uncomfortable and I think the atomsphere would be really uneasy so I always say no, tonight she comes on msn to talk to me all normal then asks if im out this weekend like always I say “no I dont think so” and totally flips, barely talks to me, sends me one word messages, oh yeah my favourite was when I said I loved her and then just nothing. Then she got mad because im looking for a job at the moment and havent got one (you know recession and all) so shes all pissed off at me for not having much money, but we see each other everyday and we are alllways doing stuff, cinema, going out for meals, I mean we went to edinburgh for a whole week which was great. I just got mad seeing as from my point of veiw I havent done anything, I just felt like saying “well if money means so much to you, go find someone who has money”. I always thought she would love me no matter what but shes gone off and is being all weird with me now. shes went to bed, im really upset. Its not like she is gonna call and apologise for being mean, she never aplogises for anything its always gotta be me. I even told her “I dont even know what I’ve done but im sorry” and the response was… “hm” …so yeah…woot thanks for that. I realise this isnt a question im just venting. I’ve applied for about 12 jobs and im waiting to hear from them so its not like im not trying jeez I cant make time go faster.

Answer #1

It sounds like she’s pretty immature about the whole relationship…it’s all about ‘her’

What exactly are you holding on to?

Answer #2

A relationship is a two-way street…if you’re the only one trying to make it work, all you’ll end up with is hurt feelings and resentment.

Being on anti-depressants is no excuse - she knows that she’s hurting you, but you seem to be letting her.

Maybe you need to think about what you need from this relationship and see if she’s willing to give it.

Answer #3

Shes my best friend and I will love her no matter what. I mean shes been on beta blockers (anti depression pills) . I bet shes talking to her friends right now…chris is a prick blah blah blah. it totally isnt fair, the worst part of it is like she wont tell me whats pissing her off she wont even answer me, I told her that when I said I loved her and she didnt reply she crushed me and all she said was…oh yeah because I feel so F*ing great and I said well whatever I’ve done im sorry and all I got was…hm.

Answer #4

She’s not very understanding.

I honestly don’t know how you put up with it…I would have shown her my boot by now.

You don’t deserve to be treated that way, and you can’t let her continue to take advantage of your good nature.

Answer #5

Well this has never happened before. She wanted to go and see the new tarentino film today inglorious basterds and I said I dont have any money right now can we wait until the weekend? she said she was busy at the weekend. I just asked her right now do you want to see the movie tomorrow and she just said oh so you have money now? and I said well if your going to be like this then I can get it. and she said well then no I dont want to. This is just so bizzare you know? I feel like I MUST have done something wrong otherwise she wouldnt be acting like this. I said to her I’ve applied for loads of jobs I cant make time go faster its not my fault and she just said: well whose fault is it then. :(

Answer #6

Well, if you were to go out with her it would probably make things uncomfortable not only for you, but for her and her friends as well…now in my opinion, that doesn’t make for a very good time.

I think the fact that you’re willing to stay home and let her go out is a very noble thing to do…she doesn’t realize how lucky she is to have a guy who will give her that kind of freedom.

I think she needs to be reminded of what she stands to lose…there are a lot of girls out there just waiting to land a guy like you and she’s treating you bad.

Answer #7

You dont think that im the bad guy here? Because I wont go out on the weekends with her and her friends because I hate that one guy? I havent talked to anyone about this so I have no outside opinion on this thing, thanks for your replys ichibanarky, your being very helpful :) I guess thats why you are an advisor lol.

Answer #8

I honestly think you should let her have the night to absorb things…if she’s still upset, she won’t be willing to listen to anything you say.

Call her in the morning, but don’t put it off…you won’t be helping anything by making her even more upset.

Answer #9

Wow thats like the biggest compliment that I’ve ever gotten in my life :) Im glad you can see what im trying to do, if I went out id just be really nervous and it would be really weird and ruin the night I even told her this when we were talking just before and she didnt even want to hear it. This is the only time this has ever happend though the rest of our relationship has been amazing, this just confuses me. Maybe everything will be ok tomorrow. I mean it doesnt help im sitting in bed in the dark with my laptop and its freezing lol. Not really making me feel great. Do you think I should text her or call her? She said just before if you call I wont be talking much so theres not much point. But waiting for her to cave in and apologise is just so childish, should I be bigger and try to straighten it out or go to bed, let her calm down and talk to her tomorrow?

Answer #10

Alright ill do what you said. I would never put it off anyways to be honest, its killing me to know she is upset. That is the last thing I want, but when she wont even let me apologise that is the worst thing. Anyways I wont take any more of your time ichibanarky, thanks you very much for your very helpful advice. I just needed to talk to someone because im a nerd so you know, I dont really have a lot of friends lol.

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