The Christian Religion

I think the Christain religion has been EXTREMELY mis-protrayed. I have an inside and outside view. I grew up in a Christian home and went to church every Sunday and Wendsday, Christmas and Easter, any time the doors opened. I also am very logical and appreciate scientific evidence. I will not dispute the existance of God with anyone because thats a battle neither side will never win, however, I would like to ask one simple question. Why the animosity toward Christians in America? I don’t understand the complete and utter disdain some feel toward some of the most generous and kind people that live here. I don’t mean all, because their are hypocrites out there, I know a few. But to group an entire group of people into the same catagory for ANYTHING be it race, creed, religoin or origin is discrimination and wrong, so I ask again. Whats the deal? Why?

Answer #1

Look. I’ll go back to my original thing I said - In ANY group of people - you have extremist that make a certain group look bad - ANY group. Not just Christians, not just Athiest, not just any other religion. ALL of them.

When some people think Christians - they think of the people beating homosexuals to death, beating them up, vandalizing their property, and judging them.

When some people think Christians - they think of the bible thumpers that never stop preaching their religion and trying to convert everyone and make them find God and not realizing there are thousands of other religions out there.

When some people think Christians - they see the extremist that bomb abortion clinics to save babies lives - and look like hypocrites

When some people think Christians - they see the people that rape people, abuse their wives, are alcoholics, and still go to church on sunday and think they are saved because they go sit on a bench once a week.

Of course this is not true of all of the Christians - that would be silly to think. But in ANY group of people you have the crazies and the extremist that make it look bad. ANY group.

Answer #2

“So what your saying is, You (you personally) think its fine for people to believe in God, just so long as its not the God from the Bible.” That seems a little hypocritical to me.”

The God from the bible? God was around before the bible was written - if you believe in him. The bible was written WAY after God created people and Jesus was around - so no it’s not absurd to not believe in the bible - which was written by man and still believe in God. There are Millions of people who think that way. They are still Christians even if they dont follow the bible.

It’s hard to explain to you why ONE group of people are discriminated against - if your going to just ingore every other part of a religion. You can’t pick and choose. Christianity was around before America was even discovered, so it’s not very logical to just dismiss ANYTHING that was around before America when your talking about Christianity.

Answer #3

The only comment I am going to make is that even Scientist are full of contradictions, funny how they always find something is good for us, then ooops, it is not, they are forever finding new studies to change to old findings they have discovered. and this wil go on and on forever.

Toriann- I am with you on the fact that Some people who don’t believe in God come across just as hard as some of those who do, if not harder, and are full of hate and judgement, It is just harder for them to look in the mirror and see it in themselves. This is a two way street and no one is right, you can’t take away what someone feels, And for me, who am I to judge. I will have my judgement day and it will not be someone from Funadvice.

P.s you have to watch when you use the word “you”, one may think is is all about them and not referred to as a whole or a group. no need to explain, I just say if the shoe fits where it, if not move on and don’t take it to heart.

Answer #4

Umm Utopia, that was my point, Maybe you just delivered it better, but that was what I was saying, And for what ever it is worth I am not a Christian.

That makes sense then why I like that saying I am part German, On my real fathers side.

Captain- you think a lot of people are beneath you, so just put my name in your pot and let it stir.

Answer #5

The Bible describes such a time as now in the book of Revelation - also Jesus said “They hated me, they will hate you for my namesake” - so it’s not surprising, but nothing at all to fret about if you know Him and know how things will turn out - one of my favorite song lyrics hits this nail on the head: ‘The wicked oppressing, now cease from distressing, sing Praises to His name…He forgets NOT His Own’ - Christians, look up, Amen !!

Answer #6

Nope not the pot I was talking about either.

Answer #7

it’s because the hipocrites ruined it for everyone. that’s how the world works; one person that belongs to a certain group acts horrible, so everyone thinks the whole group is horrible. when someone is getting preached to by “christian” people who’ll have sex with their boyfriends on friday, go get drunk on saturday, and go to church and ask forgiveness on sunday, it’s annoying. and then, that becomes their opinion on christians. it’s not fair, but that’s life…

Answer #8

The reason why Christians get a bad name is because of the Extreme Christians and because of the Christians that refuse to believe scientific evidence and are taught to never question anything.

I have no problem with people believing in God, to each their own. I do have a problem with people believing in the bible. I mean come on, it’s full of contradictions, the stories have been stolen from other religions, and the bible says the earth is only 6,000 years old when we know for a fact, it’s WAY older than that.

But, in any group, there were be the extrememist, the hypocrites, and the crazies. ANY group, including any other religion.

I will say though - that the Christians are not the MOST generous and kind people out there -do you know how many people have been killed in the name of god and through holy wars and missions? Maybe you should do some research. If any religion is peaceful, kind, and keeps to themselves I would say it’s the Buddahist. (I’m not one by the way - they are just extremely peaceful people)

Answer #9

Personally, it’s because even though their entire religion preaches tolerance, forgiveness, and kindness towards anyone, be they your enemy or not, they always seem to be the first to say things like: “You’re an idoit. If you’re trippin’ now, its bc you’ve had drugs. If you havn’t had any lately, your seeing things bc the drugs you did do have damaged your brain. Therefore, eithier way, it’s your own fault and you need to get a grip.”

Honestly, Christians always manage to prove themselves to be the most intolerant, hateful people around, and even though they might not be representative of the entire religion, they have certainly made themselves heard.

No Jew, Buddhist, Muslim, or Satanist has ever stopped me on the street and tried to make me or my friends feel bad about their lifestyle.

Answer #10

First off, I never claimed to be a Christian. I was raised in it, I don’t practice it, so get your facts straight. Also, don’t come back with ignorant comments bc of information you heard and not actually RESEARCHED at all yourself. Also, their is scientific evidence on BOTH sides, not just one.

mandy-loo If you believe in God <—(I mean THE god the christian view refers to) then its obvious that you believe in the Bible. Also, I specifically refered to the AMerican Christians, who don’t KILL people in the name of their religion. The Holy War’s were fought by Christians and Muslums in the name of the SAME GOD. Maybe your research button is broken?

mikeh- I’m sorry I believe in calling it like I see it, and clearly above I stated I never claimed to be a Christian so check your facts. And I still agree with my statement. He is an idiot.

Again, to group an entire group of people into one description : “Christians always manage to prove themselves to be the most intolerant, hateful people around” Is BS.

Also, even if you say it doesn’t incompass the entire group, you still refer to them as if they are guilty until proven innocent.

Seriously, you guys make it TOO easy to punch holes in your arguements. These views are based on prejudices and third-party knowledge.

Read the Bible before you junde it, give me specifics and maybe I will honor your intelligence.

Also, thank you amblessed and xxrain, both of these statements reassure me that their are some people who can see past prejudices. Poor blind mislead people…

Peace be with you. ;D

Answer #11

We weren’t asking for you to honor our intelligence. We weren’t trying to poke holes in the Christian religion. We weren’t even suggesting that we weren’t being prejudiced. In fact, I flat-out admitted that I was being prejudiced in my post. So please don’t trumpet your skillful refutation, Mr. Douglas, for cleverly managing to point out what had been handed to you.

I was never – ever – trying to make an airtight argument with a tidy thesis of “Christians are bad.” . You asked for an opinion on why people dislike Christians. I gave you one. Your ability to disagree with me is not the same thing as debate.

Answer #12

I don’t judge people. Honestly I am very open minded. However, I did refer to Christains in America. Read the original post.

Second, I never insinuated that you believed in God. I used “you” as a substitute for “people” as in a figure of speach. The same as “If youlive in America, you are an american. I’m not speaking to any one person. I’m sorry if my wording was confusing. Also, I said the God in the Christian version of things. So what your saying is, You (you personally) think its fine for people to believe in God, just so long as its not the God from the Bible.” That seems a little hypocritical to me.

Also, the scientific evidence and biblical references to its age are very controdictory and have evidence on BOTH SIDES, as I’ve said above. I have the tact to look at both sides and realize that neithier agruement is 100% completely sound. That’s why they are still thearies and not scientific law. Also that was the Catholic religion technically speaking which if you know the Christian religion well, realize that they are every mistakenly grouped together.

I never said anyone has a sevret agenda. I did ask a question, but not how Christians got a bad name. I asked why, in America, CHistians were disdained without their being ample reason. That question has still not been answered.

I simply argue the facts. I am not some closed minded bible thumper. I simply have noticed the increasing negativity toward anything remotely Christian, more so than other religions here in America. Please, keep your anger from clouding you judgement and reasoning skills.

Again, peace be with you.

Answer #13

To simply answer your question, is because there are people who hate, are miserable, can’t have open mind, can’t let people be themselves, and can’t just go though life living in what they feel but need to make it feel better by putting down others thougts, feelings and beliefs, I hope this answered your question.

Answer #14

Honestly, I’m starting to wonder why you asked this question in the first place. If you wanted a back-and-forth about the pros and cons of the Christian religion and those who practice it, you were certainly free to ask for one. But to ask someone their opinion and then screech about how wrong they are is a fairly heinous way to conduct a conversation. Taken out of the context of religion, I hope you can get some perspective on how you’re conducting yourself.

“What do you like about Radiohead?” “I like how their songs are upbeat.” “You’re a moron. Can’t anyone answer my question?!”

Answer #15

I never said what I believed in - I’m an athiest.

“If you believe in God <—(I mean THE god the christian view refers to) then its obvious that you believe in the Bible”

-That’s false. There are millions of people who believe in God and do not believe in the bible. The bible is silly and full of contradictions and lies - are you ignoring the fact that is says the earth is only 6,000 years old - when we have evidence it’s WAY older than that?

“Also, I specifically refered to the AMerican Christians, who don’t KILL people in the name of their religion. The Holy War’s were fought by Christians and Muslums in the name of the SAME GOD. Maybe your research button is broken”

-What does that matter. First you never said American Christians until now. Secondly - what does it matter what place the Christians are from and what time period - they were still Christians. You asked why Christians get a bad name - I told you. They have killed millions of people in the name of God - no matter what time period you want to look at you can’t ignore the past honey. You can’t pick and choose what part you want to talk about when you are talking about a WHOLE religion.

You honestly think everyone on here has some secret agenda against Christiantity and has not read the bible - most of everyone on here has read the bible - and thought of it as rubbish. You can’t sit here and judge people - without knowing them or knowing what they know. You asked a question - you got an answer - you dont have to argue with it. If you didn’t want to hear people’s responses - you shouldn’t have asked it.

Answer #16

“You asked for an opinion on why people dislike Christians. I gave you one. Your ability to disagree with me is not the same thing as debate.”

You’re completely right. I wanted some facts about some specific things that has happened to cause the negative regard for Christians. Also, since you are openly prejudice, it’s also true that you can’t debate without facts, and since you have none, thiers no need. My goal is not to sway your opinion on Christianity, that would be pointless.

Also one of the reasons I argue is for the other people that read these posts. I want them to realize both sides and not just see a tide of angry bilegerence.

I am through. Just file me under people you deem as, well, whatever title you wish.

Answer #17

breezy- You’re right. I got devensive, and I feel the best defence is a great offence. Its hard to graciously take some of the comments I see espeacially when I know they arn’t true. I have the same opinion, about not caring what religion you are. I have to control my temper up here sometimes, because arguing doesn’t usually resolve anything.

Ok, your opinions were given. What I gather is that people don’t understand the religion and have taken everything they have been told to be true at face value. Its simply a lack of good information.

That being said, I understand you arnt going to change your mind, and thats ok, because I am not eithier. Please accept my apology for attacking you personally. I simply get frustrated when half the facts I know are preseted. Thank you for your thoughts.

Peace be with you.

Answer #18

In the west, many people view Christians as intolerant, even ignorant. I aggree wholeheartedly with Mandyloo, I believe in God, but I don’t believe that the bible is the word of God. You can have one without the other. The whole tone of this thread is the answer to your question; it’s the Christian way or no way. When people try to express an opinion and get critisised, it make one less likely to want to engage in debate. After answering many of this type of question, some will just stop trying to make a point, and decide that Christians are intolerant, unforgiving and unable to listen to another point of view.

Answer #19

“To simply answer your question, is because there are people who hate, are miserable, can’t have open mind, can’t let people be themselves, and can’t just go though life living in what they feel but need to make it feel better by putting down others thougts, feelings and beliefs, “

That has nothing to do with it at all. It’s not hate - I will agree that maybe some of it is misunderstanding. You have to realize that everyone has their own reason’s for not liking something - and you do not know what they are and you should not be judging. It has nothing to do with hate. Read my response above. There are just some things that people associate with Christianity that are not pleasant and they have a hard time getting past that.

That goes with ANY group of people though. There are always people that make any group look bad - period.

Answer #20

Again, I have openly expressed both sides. I am not saying your wrong to see the facts of the past, I am merely saying ALL of the facts have not been presented. That is all. If you read the posts, I agree I am a bit harsh but that to has been dealt with. If you’re going to answer my question please do, if not, don’t critisize my way of defending a great religion.

Answer #21

I simply argue the facts. I am not some closed minded bible thumper. I simply have noticed the increasing negativity toward anything remotely Christian, more so than other religions here in America. Please, keep your anger from clouding you judgement and reasoning skills.

you are contradicting yourself… this is just one of those points but I wont copy paste all of them or the whole page would be filled… you defend a religion you dont take part in, you defend it very annoyingly by arguing with everyone… trying to prove them wrong… re read your answers and youll see what I mean (if you have some common sense that is…)

now onto your question :

  1. america has a lot of extreme christians and I’ve seen lately that there is a movement of christian propaganda everywhere… priests asking their people to turn as many people into the christian faith… with whatever it takes

  2. most E.C’s go nuts about everything, from advertisement boards to PC games and even into music… they make themselves be hated

  3. E.C’s also tend to think they are pure, and better than the rest, so what do they do? they start hating on others… did you know that most (if not all) KKK members are white christians? they hail jesus just like other christians… should we accept them as well?

  4. get your facts right! you think people hate all that is christian but thats not true since america is mostly christian it would mean that you are saying christians HATE christians…

  5. christians might be the most generous because of the fact that most people are christians…so normally theyd be also the most aggresive, most vile, most perverse etc. because they have a bigger number

Answer #22

From a non-Christian perspective… Strictly speaking about American Christians… Consider many of the Christians on this site who are right-wing, fundamentalists… Their level of tolerance for others is limited. Their level of judgment of others is huge… The judgmental, war-mongering, legalistic, narrow-minded, racist sermons and lectures given by this minority of fundamentalist Christians has tainted the reputation of the peace loving, non-judgmental American Christians, which comprise the majority of Christians. Unfortunately, the majority has not stepped up to the plate, en masse, to denounce the minority. They have not said…stop, your opinions of judgment and hatred DO NOT represent us. Stop, we DO NOT think homosexuals are an abomination. Stop, we DO NOT hate those of other religions. Stop, we DO NOT support war. Stop, just stop. This silence has allowed the only voices that are heard to be those of bible-thumping, “condemning everyone to hell that has a different view” Christians. The Christians that twist Christ’s words for their own use. The Christians that TELL you what you MUST believe. The Christians that I respect are the ones that show and practice the teachings of Christ. So, to answer your question about why there is animosity towards American Christians… because the majority of loving Christians has allowed their reputation to be tarnished and ambushed by the minority of hate-mongering fundamentalist Christians.

Answer #23

Why the animosity toward Christians in America?

Personally, I think the reason is that many Christians in the United States want it to be a Christian theocracy, even if they don’t admit it. They want their social values to become policy and law, if they aren’t already. After living in Europe, with its refreshingly secular political culture, seeing the American Religious Right in action makes me hang my head in shame.

I would have more respect for American Christians if they would respect separation of church and state, realize they don’t have a monopoly on ethics and virtues, and stop trying to impose ancient, absurd laws from the Torah on modern society.

Answer #24

Considering that most Americans are Christians are you saying that Christians don’t like each other?

If you think Christians are looked down upon try walking a day in my shoes and tell everyone you are an atheist.

Answer #25

toriann: I think dekakr just answered your question about perception of Christians better than anyone else possibly could.

Answer #26

WWJD? Well, dekakr, you can bet that he would not respond to us they way that you have…

what a typical “christian” response…

now, get on your knees and ask forgiveness for your “worldly” outburst… and ask to be a better witness and a more loving person.

you, my dear, are EXACTLY why christians are treated as they are…and why the rest of us have NO respect for the “witness” you present and the points you try to make.

Answer #27

this post is getting ridiculous, You are all being rude and ingnorant to eachother, Calling people liars, ignorant and so one. Who cares. believe what you want and let eachother be. This is what the problem is, no one has respect for anyone’s feelings. One of my saying is “ If you don’t pay my bills, or put the roof over my head and supply me with food, I really don’t care what you do”

The hurt you do to eachother weather it is directly or indirectly it is all the same. Yes we know those of you who don’t believe and god and yes we know those we do. And it is the same ol conversation over and over each time some one ask a question like this.

Did you ever stop to think that the people (on both side) Steer clear of these questions because of all the nonsense and offensive bashing that goes on, And yes on both sides it is bashing. There are a bunch of very educated people that sit on both side of the fence on this and still will never make a post on these questions, they will shake there head, chukle and move on. I suggest some of you may want to start doing the same.

Answer #28

There are a bunch of very educated people that sit on both side of the fence on this and still will never make a post on these questions, they will shake there head, chukle and move on.

…like who?

Answer #29

There is nothing wrong with talking about things or debating things - which is what was going on before miss thang came in here with personal insults and cursing. It WAS a civil discussion before on person came in and acted foolish.

There is nothing wrong with anyone coming in here and stating their opinions and debating things - how do you think people learn - by debating. I dont see the problem witha bunch of educated people coming and on both sides and debating without resorting to name calling and childishness - but when some little girl comes in and throws around a bunch of curse words and personal insults - she makes herself look stupid and changed the conversation.

Answer #30

Yes, let’s all just sit quietly by while jews, muslims, homosexuals, catholics, etc are vilified and condemned to hell by a very vocal group of religious bigots. Let’s not utter a word and just shake our heads, chuckle and move on.
Let’s not stand up and say…EVERY person of every race, religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation is to be valued. Let’s just chuckle while a “christian” says that homosexuals are an abomination and deserve AIDS.

“ If you don’t pay my bills, or put the roof over my head and supply me with food, I really don’t care what you do” Quite a few germans had the same saying…

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