The Boyfriend ended up in jail

hey people I just wanted someone to hear me out my boyfriend got caught stealing a bottle of liqour and he is already on probation I dont know yet how much time he is going to get im scared I dont think ill be able to hang in there if you have been in jail and in the same situation please write I would appreciate and to know how much time he could be in there he is on a bail right now

Answer #1

I was in the same situation last year. My boyfriend got locked up for breaking and entering and hes doing 4 years for that. At first it was tough to go without seeing him or talking to him. My parents didnt want me talking to him. Til this day I still havent seen him or talked to him over the phone. Me and him wrote letters. I felt like I couldn’t do it. I missed him so much. I dont think your boyfriend will get a lot of time. If you get to see him and talk to him then that should make it eaiser for you. If you love him then you’ll be by his side. All you have to do is follow your heart on that one. But I broke up with my boyfriend when he got locked up. It wasnt because he was in jail it was just because I found he betrayed me and I was gonna wait 4 him until he got out but I cant wait for no fool who betrayed me lol.But girl dont worry because I dont think even get a lot of time. In my opinion he might do some months. Keep ya head up!

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