How long will I be the boy repeller?

ok I’m a 16 year old girl…..and i’m not very attractive. I must say i’ve never had a true boyfriend…..i’ve had guys ask me out, but they never stick around. I have SERIOUS feelings for a guy at school, but i just found out that he doesn’t like me……even though i’m starting to get used to this feeling because i get turned down so often, i can’t stop thinking about him. why do i repel every guy that i have feelings for?

Answer #1

It’s not you, it’s them. The men don’t see your natural beauty and they probablly want “more.” Don’t let it get you down. I’m sure you’re a beautiful girl. Everyone is, “god doesn’t make junk.” You just have to chill out and wait for someone right to come along.

Answer #2

Ahhh, The guys I liked never never never never never liked me back. It was always the delinquent or dirty, scuzzy boy that liked me.

I didn’t grow into my own until I was about 17. That’s the same age I started taking up hobbies and having my own interests. That makes you attractive, when you’re into things and less into other people and what they think about you. I swear, I went back to school on Junior year after summer break and I was beating them off with a stick. It was nuts! Guys that never looked my way were actually looking at me.

Some don’t come into their looks or style or bloom until after high school. It just takes as long as it takes. You’ll be fine!

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