The best credit card.

Im getting ready to turn 18 in less than 2 weeks, and I want to know what is the best credit card out there, beacuse I need a credit score.

Answer #1

American Express will affect your credit score the most… its also the hardest card to get… you probably won’t be able to get one without prior (and decent) credit history.

Answer #2

to be honest, dont get one. there are other ways of building up your credit score. for example say you want a tv, if you have a checking accout save up enough money for it then pay it off in payments.. just make sure the money stays there each month for the bill. or use your debit card as a credit and only buy food with it or little things at a time or a few things a month to build it up.

Answer #3

For now, take any credit card they’ll give you. Make small, responsible purchases on it and pay the bill on time each month. As soon as you have some credit established, your credit score will go up and you can transfer your balance (if you have one) to another card that has a lower interest rate or a rewards program. Be very careful with your credit. Choices you make now will effect the interests rates on all of your loans in the future.

Answer #4

you will get your suitable one … just check the links:

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