That person :)

Does anyone have that person that like you think about and suddenly yer not crazy?like you feel like everything is okay when you think about them?Like when you think yer crazy and then yu see them and suddenly yer not crazy? Do I make sense?lol

I do :)

Answer #1

yes (: its such an amazing feeling I have been dating that person for a year and a half and it never dies down I still get butterflys (: I’m glad you found a person that can do that to you (:

Answer #2

Well it doesnt have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend it could be a bestfriend or mom or dad :)

But thanks babe :D

Answer #3

I have a few people like that… it’s an awesome feeling to have those sort of connections that make you feel like no matter how high your flying off the ground there always someone there ready to reel you back in.

Its wonderful that you have that and I’m happy for you. :)

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