Thanksgiving Wicca.

Am I supposed to give an offering to the goddess?

Answer #1

Great idea WentPlatinum. I might even do something like that. But with my own twist.

Word to the wise. Be careful where you burn. Well ventilated. Outside would be best. I’m a firefighter as well so be careful

Answer #2

Ok really, you have been remarkably helpful. I think I’ll make a small ritual to the goddess. Thanks!

Answer #3

“you really should belive in god” oh no, that’s not shoving it down our throats, they just WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY to inform someone who CHOSE NOT TO BE OF THAT FAITH that they should change what they belive, change who they are, & parhaps even live a misrable life denying theirselves of their true faith blondie240, get some brunnette roots(meaning grow a brain) & get a life!

It’s a holiday giving thanks to the natives & such for helping them survive on this land(america) So it’s really not necessary. Though it’s evolved into just giving thanks to anyone & everyone wh oyou wish to, so go right a head.

& agreed with toadaly(nice advice dude 1_~)

Answer #4

I mean offerings are not complicated either… make them anytime you want to in anyway you want to… I mean take a nice walk find some fall foliage toss it in a pot and burn it along with a nice little rhyme you could write for one of the fall goddesses… it would be a nice meditation for some alone time or bring friends build a bond fire and make a gathering of it but if you do remember to open and close your circle

Answer #5

I love those witches almanacs… they have the cutest ideas of which god/goddess is great for whatever day of the year and usually like a craft or something to go with it… but ya know the most important part of wicca is that you bring your own spirit into observing however you want to… I have an alter set up with a shaman theme just thought it was a great time of the year to remind myself of the indian deities

Answer #6

I just enjoyed being with my family. It was just my wife my daughter (her first) and I. Our extended families are 800 miles away.

If I did anything I would prob. Perform a ritual where I name what I’m thankful for. Kinda like the old family tradition. you could cast a circle if you like but don’t have to. Thank the deities. What ever you feel right with. Go for it. Remeber to add you own spice into it. Blessed be

Answer #7

Todaly- good point. Most in rituals that are for the person preforming them.

Answer #8

Ok… When DO we make offerings and toadly I thought you wern’t wiccan.

Answer #9

…a bit late I suppose, but the goddess doesn’t care about rituals. The rituals are for you. Do them if you want to.

Answer #10

Sure. Just like do you do anything?

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