Tell me the truth

Ok I wrote this dose it sound good ??? This pain burning inside my soul it makes the world look so old it seems nothing can help this, this pain. When I stop and think about my life looking back on all the time i’ve spent trying and fighting for others I should have spent it on trying anything for myself i’ve had it so easy compared to others i’ve been hurt broken and still I know that everyone in this world has felt the same way people always say that no one knows what love really is that’s not the truth everyone knows what love is even babies! Were just to dumb to know how to keep it around its like when your standing in line for your food or for anything, if it takes to long you leave well I don’t think love wants to stand there for you, waiting for you to get to the front of the line to take your love some of us stick around and some of us leave that doesn’t mean anything when you leave you leave your destiny and sometimes the people who don’t even know it stand there waiting in line they may not deserve it but at least they get to have it just to experience it is a blessing so for all those times you’ve cried over some dumb guys who don’t even deserve you just stop jump back into that line and wait for true romantic love to serve you and when it dose don’t thank me just thank all the guys that have stepped into my world and ran away with it Love you always Yours truly Elizabeth b. P.s. Ill catch you in line. Xx tell me

Answer #1

I think its good but you kinda got me confused a bit… go through it again and see if you can change anything to like umm oh put your self in the postion of the person reading it not as the person writing it.. its good though=)x

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