skull tatttoo look good on a girl or would it look trashy?

Would a skull tatttoo look good on a girl or would it look trashy???

Answer #1

dont listen to everyones bad oppinions, if you want a tattoo of a skull get it ! And no it wont look trashy the most important thing with getting a tattoo is to TALK TO A TATTOOIST! go into a shop with a picture preferably and then tell them in more detail what you want, but before you even get tattooed look at there previous work! I have a mexican skull with ‘’live fast, Die pretty ‘’ around it and it suits my body perfectly ( my ex boyfriend did it for me!) hope this helps!!! xx

Answer #2

thnks 4 your advice I was just wondering because I luv skulls and I got sum good ideas of a tattoo. If I got it on my back like on my shoulder blade would that look bad???

Answer #3

Think a tattoo out before you get it. You’ll probably regret it when a skull gives you a bad first impression when you’re older and looking for a career.

Don’t let teen angst decide how your body appears the rest of your life. In my opinion, It would look trashy. Get a tattoo that symbolizes something and means something special to you. Not just a skull.

Answer #4

it will look good as long as it goes with your personality… I don’t know why it would be considered trashy…

Answer #5

TRASHY!!! ull be making a really bad decision! ulll regret it!!! trust me!

Answer #6

I think itd look nice depends where you get it =]

Answer #7

…probably trashy…

Answer #8

It just sounds pointless to me.

Answer #9

everyone gets that stuff. so if you wanna look like everyone go ahead and get it.

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