What would be a good tattoo for someone that suffered from 'depression'?

I’d like a tattoo that I can look at to make me feel hope and like I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it. So any symbols/quotes/inspirational words will be great. Oh and I want it on my wrist.

Answer #1

If your religious put a symbol of your God or religious symbol that makes u feel uplifted.

Answer #2

There is a saying I’m always inspired from…maybe you will be too! “Never A Failure..Always A Lesson!”
I too have issues with depression…I am not ashamed to admit it because I know that I have grown from where I once was & where I am Today… Depression hurts, but you dont have to let it control you…You make the choices in your life, and if you choose to allow it to control you, then you wind up cold, miserable & alone if you can bare to stay alive…On the other hand, if you choose to control it, you can live life one day at a time appreciating the better days you do have…so…technically you can use these too…”To Better Days!” “Baby Steps!” “There Is Always Tomorrow!” Hope this helps.

Answer #3

maybe the little butterfly in the bubble..

Answer #4

maybe a white dove

Answer #5

Thank you, I love this answer!

Answer #6

Awe, you are very welcome, like I said I too have depression, but I choose to be in control…so… “To Better Days!” my friend! hug♥

Answer #7

Some commen tattoo symbols that mean hope: Anchor, Daffodil, Dove, Life Preserver, Blue Bird.

Some words or phrases you could use: One Life. Survive. Live. Reach for the stars. Anything is possible. Even the darkest nights give way to the sunrise. You can’t have a rainbow without the rain.

Answer #8

What does the butterfly mean? It looks good but I’m not sure what the butterfly symbolises :)

Answer #9

It symbols Hope and a new life from the old. over comming obsticles

Answer #10

i think it would be cute if you had a butterfly that looks like its leaving its cacoone and developing into a new form of a beautiful free life..the cacoone could symbolise the life while u were depressed (liek you were trapped in this depression) but once you got over it the beautiful butterfly that looks like its flying free from that ‘depressed life’ (caccoone). and maybe you can put a cute phrase in there with the tattoo somehow.. i hope i helped..i thought this would be a very cute idea! =)

Answer #11

If you want a colored tatoo, a rainbow would be cool.

Or the exit of a tunnel. (You know, there’s light at the end of the tunnel…)

Answer #12

Life CAN be beautiful. To remind you that no matter how bad things are, you can still have a better tomorrow.

Answer #13

Maybe something that inspires you to feel happy or positive. For me it would be a quote because I adore quotes and these were the ones that helped me threw my struggle when I was depressed. “ often the test of courage is not to die but to live. “ For me this meant lots because I would often try to kill myself but this quote was what kept me alive . Also I’d would get this quote “forget the pass but remember what it taught you” this one helped me because I was hurting because of my past ( I was abused physically, verbally , emotionally and sexually. So I think that’s what kept making me feel depressed and wanna die. But this quote kept reminding me to forget what happened it can’t happen anymore and what it taught. I believe there is a lesson and purpose for everything good and bad. This is what I’d personally get I don’t know ur story so this is the best suggestions I can give. Hope you find what you want hope this will help. Cheers :)

Answer #14

Honestly (and I say this from experience), I would think many times over when it comes to a tattoo on the wrist. And also, this needs to have personal meaning to you. A cool tattoo doesn’t actually help much. I have a black rose on my back, it means something to me. Get something that symbolizes something to you. Why are you going to get something that symbolizes something to other people?

Answer #15

Haha When did I say I want something that symbolises something to other people? I said I want something to remind me of what I’ve achieved through my depression, and to show me that there’s still hope.

Answer #16

Nothing is true. everything is Permitted The End justifies the means I dont know what I want but i know how to get it

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