Talking to guys?

There is this super hot guy that I like but I dotn know how to talk to him I was going to on myspace but then I just couldnt and every time I see him and even think about talking to him I cant breathe

Answer #1

I suggest doing the cliched “bump into him randomly and drop all the books you are holding in your hands” scenario. As he’s picking up your books, he’ll quickly glance at your eyes and find that he’ll lose himself in it :)

At least, that’s what happens when I look at shelbalee’s eyes ;)

Answer #2

I cant because im in 6th grade and hes in 7th I only see him before I go to 2nd period and after school at the park.

Answer #3

well what you can do to is just pass him a note just asking whats up or how are you or something basic like that..eventually you will get to know him better and it might get easier for you to talk to him in person.

Answer #4

You could use another guy friend to tell him. Don’t use a girl as she may steal him from you. With the guy friend, don’t tell him to just to walk straight to deliver your message and then leave. It will have to be more like in a conversation, like your friend will say to the guy you want: “Hey I was talking with Stephanie and she can’t stop thinking about you” and so on.

Maybe if you know the friends of him ask one of them.

Is normal to be nervous since you think you may get a rejection or unsure what to do if he wants to talk to you, but you are so pretty, that he may be the one more nervous than you. :)

Answer #5

well its not that easy because I know his little brother and he was annoying so I was kinda mean to him and he told his brother but it turns out his brother is hot so yea???

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