should I talk to this guy again?

the tittle sounds like somebody on yahoo answers would ask. Anyways so long story short I met this guy last year we became close and 8 months ago he started ignoring me and has never spoken to me again with the exception of “can I borrow your eraser” or “what page are we on” but that was in may and now he recently had a girlfriend but they broke up in September so I was like, hmmm his interest in me is 0 percent so I went on with my life but now for some weird reason I’m attracted to him now(not that i wasn’t before) and I would say “wazzup”? but i’m afraid the reason he started ignoring me is because he didn’t want me around anymore. I don’t care if we aren’t a couple I just want his friendship again but don’t really see him that much and after all these months of silence it’s just eh? eeh?

Answer #1

I say start talking to him again if you like him and want at least a friendship. You’ve got nothing to lose, really. Just ask him what he’s been up to lately. All you can do is try :)

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