Can tablets make you more emotional?

I was given tablets by the doctor to stop my period while I went on my two holidays and I need to take 3 a day but I have been like an emotional wreck since I started taking them.. the littlest things will send me either into anger or tears.. i started crying the other day just because I dropped an earing.. I want to go swimming but if this is what am like cause of the tablets.. its not worth it.. so could it be the tablets?

Answer #1

Usually the side effects of said tablets are going to be on the back of the box they came in so you might want to start there to see if what you think and what might be connects.

If there isn’t anything there, you might want to consult with your doctor (yes, you hate doctors but lets face it, a 10 minute appointment is better than a weekly emotional rollercoaster) and see if the medicine is giving you a chemical imbalance.

Answer #2

yes. i am adhd and to keep me from getting destracted i take pills and I get suicidal moments but not often…pills ARE SUPOSE TO DO THIS ITS TO CHANGE UR FEELINGS UR NERVS AND ALL TO HELP CURE U…. Soooo ya

Answer #3

Maybe ask your doctor to be put on anti-anxiety pills. Sounds crazy, but it will most likely work. It relaxes you and will calm you down when you feel these symptoms.

Answer #4

Oh wow i’m shocked your doctor put you on medication to stop your period, it makes you wonder what it’s doing to your insides to cause your body to stop ovulating and bleeding. I fully think it could be because of the tablets, you should call and speak to your doctor though, explain to them whats going on.

Answer #5

It’s a possible side effect, especially since those hormonal pills are messing with hormones that actually effect mood. They are not SUPPOSED to do that. It’s a side effect. Talk to your doctor. There are other pills you can try so you don’t get those side effects.

Answer #6

Pills are not supposed to make you suicidal. Actually that’s a good time to talk to your doctor about taking some other pills.

Answer #7

thanks for all your answers! :)

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