Is Sweeny Todd scary?

Is Sweeny Todd really scary? I’m going to see it with my friend and I really want to see it, but is it really scary?

Answer #1

okay thanks guys! I saw it last night, and it turns out that it wasn’t scary at all! I am a big musical theater fan, so I knew all of the music and story line beforehand. Thanks again! :)

Answer #2

I don’t know if it’s scary, in the previews it says how he like murdered someone long time ago or something and was locked away in prison and people eventually forgot about him. but then he like became a barber or something and like when people come to get haircuts he tries to kill them. I think that’s the basic storyline of the movie.

Answer #3

he was a barber that slit the throats of the paying customers, then made mice pies from them, something like that anyway.

is this the movie with johnny depp, didnt know it was out yet!

Answer #4

Apparently Sweeny Todd is supposed to be a very very good Movie. It is by Tim Burton after all… so I expect it shall be somewhat scary. In general, the really really scary movies are R18, mildly scary movies tend to be R16 so if its not either of those, it shouldn’t scare the crap outa ya.

I am Legend looks real good also - but definitely go see Sweeny Todd. Better yet, see both :)

Answer #5

Go see I am legend instead, its a great movie, I never seen preveiws to the other one

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