How will I survive now that my client has opened up a business identical to mine?

I have asked this from many friends and I am suffering from severe depression because of the loss of regular business which i have been doing for the past 6-8 years. I supplied some stuff to my client’s customers. This client had recommended me to sell this stuff to his customers. Let’s take this example to understand better: For example there’s a big school not comparable to any other one regarding the business it gives, and I’m the bookstore that sells its books to the parents whose children study at that school. Somehow after many years now the school wants to open up its own bookstore inside the school and I’m left watching what the he** happened? Now that client knows he can earn so much money if he does it himself. What should I do? I had specialized in my field and now I don’t have any alternative. I mean there might be smaller clients but it won’t be 30% of what I used to make with that one client. ? :(

Answer #1

Advertise your business more. Add something new that a lot of people will like. Make changes. :)

Answer #2

Since you know the business so well, is there any chance your former client would hire you to run his internal “bookstore”? Or might you be able to use your business skills to deal in another product that’s closely enough related for your specialized knowledge to apply?

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