surveyy for youyouyou

  1. whats your favorite candy?
  2. whats your favorite fruit?
  3. are you blonde or brunette?
  4. what do ya want to b when you grow up?
  5. do you like the jonas brothers?
Answer #1
  1. whats your favorite candy? Starbusrt & Rees’s
  2. whats your favorite fruit? Guava
  3. are you blonde or brunette? None
  4. what do ya want to b when you grow up? A dancer opening a dance studio
  5. do you like the jonas brothers? I like their music. Thats it.
Answer #2
  1. whats your favorite candy?Twix
  2. whats your favorite fruit? Strawberry
  3. are you blonde or brunette? Brunette
  4. what do ya want to b when you grow up? CSI Forsensics
  5. do you like the jonas brothers?They’re okay
Answer #3
  1. what’s your favorite candy? m&m’s
  2. wha’ts your favorite fruit? apples
  3. are you blonde or brunette? brunette
  4. what do you want to be when you grow up? honestly, I have no clue
  5. do you like the jonas brothers? they’re talented. . . I enjoy their songs, but the massive fan-base has drawn me away from them. and they’ve changed.
Answer #4
  1. whats your favorite candy? Sour Patch Kids… or dark chocolate. <3
  2. whats your favorite fruit? Pineapple!!
  3. are you blonde or brunette? Blonde.
  4. what do ya want to b when you grow up? Alive!!! Lolz.
  5. do you like the jonas brothers? They’re okay.
Answer #5

Whats your favorite candy? Skittles! =D Whats your favorite fruit? Oranges…watermelon..umm..pretty much any fruit. Blond or brunette? brunette What do you want to be when you grow up? Vet Do you like the jonas sisters? Ew no!

Answer #6
  1. whats your favorite candy? Reeses
  2. whats your favorite fruit? All fruit
  3. are you blonde or brunette? Neither…red head
  4. what do ya want to b when you grow up?Counselor
  5. do you like the jonas brothers? Nooo
Answer #7
  1. whats your favorite candy? Skittles
  2. whats your favorite fruit? Lemons!
  3. are you blonde or brunette? Dirty blonde
  4. what do ya want to b when you grow up? writer or singer
  5. do you like the jonas brothers? yep!
Answer #8
  1. whats your favorite candy? Mr.Big
  2. whats your favorite fruit? Strwberry
  3. are you blonde or brunette? Neither
  4. what do ya want to b when you grow up? Nurse
  5. do you like the jonas brothers? Hmm they are ok
Answer #9
  1. whats your favorite candy? Snickers! :)
  2. whats your favorite fruit? Pear.
  3. are you blonde or brunette? Naturally a dark brunette. But I dye it different black colors.
  4. what do ya want to b when you grow up? An author (going for that first). Or musician/singer. Or be in the air force. :)
  5. do you like the jonas brothers? No!
Answer #10

What is your favorite candy? Snickers What is your favorite fruit? Banana Are you a blonde or brunette? Brunette What do you want to be when you grow up? ?? Do you like the Jonas Brothers? NO!!

Answer #11

favorite candy: caramel creams favorite fruit: watermelon I have natural brown hair but often dye it black any job that doesn’t keep me from my girlfriend too much Yes, they are my role models!

Answer #12

1-m&ms 2-cherry 3-blonde 4-ceo of citi bank 5-yah they cool

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