whats good for sunburn if you want it to turn into tan

whats good for sunburn if you want it to turn into tan ?

Answer #1

I got very bad sunburn about this time last year but because of careful care it turned into a tan and there is still a faint mark now. What you need to do is keep it hydrated to stop it peeling. Drink lots of water and cover the burn with moisturiser, preferably one without a scent such as aqueous cream. I used this and just caked it on then at the end of the day I would wash it off. My burns were soothed and became tanned. Oh and I know everyone is saying it but its better to avoid getting burned in the first place :p Good Luck :)

Answer #2

I’m in the same boat. gonna get some aloe and take some ibuprofin (keep seeing that one come up). also going to stop reading answers to the question because people seem to think that an accidental burn needs a lecture rather than a helpful word of advice.

Answer #3

Usually after sun aloe vera and green tea gel, will cool the burn down and take the tight feeling out of your skin, diluted vinegar or tea bags are good for taking out the sting of sun burn, and a light moisteriser or lotion, I recommend Dove, will moisturise your skin so it doesnt dry up and peel. Hope this helps :) xx

Answer #4

You have to let it heal, and then try again, more carefully though. Any type of tan isn’t good for you.

Answer #5

nothing will reverse the damage that youve alreday dont to your skin and by now you should no that both tanning beds and the sun directly cause skin cancer and prematurely age your skin and face, just like sun exposure does as well as numerous other things the only safe tan is a FAKE tan one form a bottle, spay on, wipe, cream or can be smart and get a fake tan

Answer #6

Every Sunburn I Get Turns Into A Tan. I would Put Tanning Oil On with The Highest SPF There Is for Tanning Oil. If The Burn Is Really Bad ut On Aloe Vera That Green Stuff. Or You Can Also Put On Plain Yogurt. I Just got Over My Sunburn Where I’m Peeling Really Bad. I Tried yogurt and It took The Sting Out. It Was Really cold It Felt Soo Good.

  • Keep The yogurt On Your Skin where It Burnt Until it Dries and Becomes Crusty.
  • Then Take a nice Warm Shower.

Xoxo Good Luck hope It works!

  • Megan
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