Sun game

What is a fun, sexual game that two people can play at school. Besides the nervous game. It will be played in the stairs wher there arent cameras.

Answer #1

that’s completely immature. sex/ sexual activities are not something you PLAY A GAME w/ just anyone. and at school? come on now. it’s time to grow up and think about what your doing. it just makes you look stupid and you can get in trouble for that.

Answer #2

no its a game like everybody at my school plays lol

Answer #3

nahits not like that. he is one of my friends and everybody plays it at my school (military school) not for like bad kids it the only private school in my county. im not easy btw and its not some random guy

Answer #4

The nervous game sounds more like a game of “how easy are you”?

Answer #5

cellfoneadict You are 14 years old, you should not be playing sexual games, especially not at school. You also say that this is just with some random guy. You are losing your self-respect at a very young age. You shouldn’t be worried about things like that so young, and you should also respect your body more than just to let random guys feel all over you.

Answer #6


You’re at school? What the hell kind of school do you go to?

Answer #7

What the hell? You’re supposed to study at school! Did you know that a lot more kids are getting caught doing stupid stuff like this? You could be sent away.

And because people are giving you real advice here, doesn’t mean it’s bad advice, don’t mark them down because you’re just that insecure.

v I told you, I knew it. Grow up little girl!

Answer #8

the nervous game is wher a guy puts his hand on your leg and keeps going up towards your cooter and says are you nervous yet and when you say nervous you start over or you can do arms to boobs or sumthing. its really fun but its gettin old and I want something new cause afterlunch me and this guy (not boyfriend and girlfriend) go in to the staircase and play it boring now

Answer #9

I’m pretty sure that’s a bad idea. Games like that can get you into serious trouble at schools. Why take the chance?

Answer #10

Are you asking for a game that allows you to have sex while at school?

Answer #11

what’s the nervous game?

Answer #12

no like a touchy feely kinna game thats like the nervouse game but not it

Answer #13

It can be a fun game in certain situations. I played it once with my friend and this guy that we both liked. But yeah I agree with everyone else, you shouldn’t be doing this at school. When I was in high school these two got caught having sex on the backstage and no one looked at them the same after…its demeaning. Why don’t you pl.ay these games after school…would be much more fun, more privacy.

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