sum boy

okai therez this boy and ii lost my Verginity too him…. but hez actin different all of a suden… and he does stupid thingz to make me think hez cheatin but then we have those nice dayz where he tellz me he lovez me so wun daii ii jus ended it…..but itz so hard to let go of him.. because weve been together 4 so long but hez makin no effort to get baqq … how can I get over him?

Answer #1

i think that u should try 2 meet new pple cuz thats is a new way to 4get bout him

Answer #2

he is just handling it very imaturly. he probably was not ready for sex but i bet his willie was. and he dont know how to handle it.. i can tell your far more mature than he is. so unless he has a maturity boom than only time will heal your broken heart

Answer #3

he isnt ready to be in a relationship becos he prob has no idea how to be in one, and if he isnt willing to try then he isnt worth crying over. When a guy wants you he calls, and wants to see you all the time and makes that effort, if he isnt he clearly isnt interested so the best thing for you to do is let him go, i no its hard and it hurts, but in time that pain will go and you’ll find someone amazing to love you.

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