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What seems like a suitable career for me?
i wanted to become a physiotherapist until i realised that the pay was not very good, and i dont want to be busting my chops for an enterscore so high (96) if i can get into something like being a sports teacher (55). both have similars wages. i want to get invoved in the sports/fitness area. i enjoy learning about how the body works, muscles, bones etc… and i am very good in most science subjects with marks of %90+. any ideas on what would be suitable for me?
Just before I read this all information, I had thought that you should be a teacher. Nives, you have this brilliant brain and smooth words. That is all what a teacher needs. You must be doing great in your classroom or in the sport field. :-)
ahah thanks sri, i will take that into consideration (:
I agree with Sri and plus I have a feeling if u were a teacher u wood b pretty cool. Like the kids u teach wood like u not despise you!
lol i just want to find a career that will allow me to live comfortably….
Haha!Well teaching is good but you should always have a backup plan. Well, you could maybe be a teacher and also try writing short stories or novels. Get some bonus cash if you are good. If you do publish a book or short story someday notify me;)
nives, go with what you are most passionate about…
You need to choose a career that allow you to say, everyday, “I love what my work is…”
Best of luck…
i just dont seem to know what that is right now… thats the problem.
im not that much of a reader or writer :( im okay in english, not that fantastic. :(
hahaha!k thats cool.well I dnt noe wut to do with my life either wen I grow up becuz i wanna be a writer but I always get writer’s block!!!!!!:(it sux…
i have to decide by 6 months.
wait you said you dad is a writer yeah?
If you like science and the human body, then what about something in the science fields that relate to human and animal bodies? Maybe anthropology specializing in human remains or pathology/ coronary work? It is kind of dark and I could see how it could get depressing, but the pay is very good, and as long as you keep yourself out of the situation and make sure you are getting enough social interaction every week you’ll be fine. Also with the study and degree behind you, you’d find it easy to move around in the science areas and study other things easily. Doctor/ nurse would also go with what you like too. When you are a good doctor, the pay can be 6 figure. Its just quite a hard industry to get into. My sister is 14 and she’s panicing over what she wants to do/study when school is over. The best advice I can give you, is that you will change your mind about your likes/dislikes/interests etc a lot from now until you are 25. All of those years can be spent studying and ‘finding yourself’ for want of a better word. If you really don’t know what career you want, I suggest doing a wide range of subjects in school.
i dnt think i ever told u anything about my dad but he’s a journalist and yeh he has to write a lot so ya…but why?
Yeah you did a little bit, then im sure you could scab a job off him if he pulled some strings… :)
hehehe!Yes well that wood be good since he is good at his job but I want to help myself. How will I learn if I get jobs off from my dad? well u could always become a dentist!Good pay!
lol but you can get a career off your father…yeah yummy, teeth! Yeah they get thousands a day…oh well ill figure something out by the end of the next 6 months….I think :/
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