whats your fav subjects?...

whats your fav subjects?… whats your worse subjects?…

Answer #1

Best = English Worst = Science

Answer #2

My favourites are Art, Latin and English, though Art is definitely the best out of those three! And my least favourites are Maths, DT and PE ( maths because I just don’t like it, PE and DT because I’m a total failure when it comes to those subjects).

Answer #3

all of them!!!…lol… j/k…

          ...math, even though I am not that good enough at it!!!=]
            history, it sucks!!!...lol
Answer #4

favz : art, culinary arts, p.e. , lunch … lol worst : math, english, science, history

Answer #5

best : AP art and photography =] <–future dream jobs!!! whoo hoo! worse: algebra 2, and history..sumtimes

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