What was the stupidest thing you ever did?

Me, I was in a monastary and since I was there really, I went down to the road and waved to every car and ran around like crazy. An old couple pulled over thinking I was lost or something like that.

Answer #1

not say goodbye to my dad when i was moving away 3 years ago

Answer #2


Answer #3

Slapping my teacher _-

Answer #4


Answer #5

well I didn’t slap him but I smacked him like ,,, I taped his face but still it wasn’t right ..

Answer #6

I still got introuble

Answer #7

ive done alot of stupid things in my time. Lie to the courts about how my dad was treating my sister and i instead of telling them he was a raging drunk. Telling my mom that i use to cut myself, and many other things

Answer #8

Probably skip class.

Answer #9

That must have sucked.

Answer #10


Answer #11

taken dr.ugs on school grounds which made me act stupid.

Answer #12

email a teacher “anonymously” telling him his a pervert at school on a computer that i was logged in as MY student account… i regret that :/

Answer #13

yeah that was pretty stupid

Answer #14

getting my teacher in trouble by acting as if i was drunk and then she accused me as being drunk when i wasnt , i regret doing that, at the time it seemed funny, but now i regret it so much, i apologized and gave her a present on her b-day

Answer #15

Told a joke in a serious situation :-(

Answer #16

ouch, that musnt have gone well

Answer #17

Parked my motorbike where i shouldn’t have with my keys still on it, with no license and no helmet. Luckily the police was nice, he let me let me go with just a warning.

Answer #18

My list could go on and on - i made alot of bad choices when i was younger.

-Dr.ugs -Riding to a different city with guys i didnt know. -Drove intoxicated. -Stolen from stores, friends, family….

Answer #19

Thats funny

Answer #20

Thats funny

Answer #21

Created a funadvice account.

Now I’m stuck here. Need to get away from computer… need to iron my laundry… need to clean up the kitchen… can’t do it… trapped by funadvice magnetism… AAAAARGH!

Answer #22

I could not tell u bcus I have just done so many stupid things that really hurt me.. Thankfully I have not done too many to hurt the ppl I love.. (:

Answer #23

That’s hilarious.

Answer #24

I do that a lot.

Answer #25

I know, this site addicting.

Answer #26

kissed my bestfriends ex…

Answer #27

ditched my b.f for religious reasons. but wait. is it really stupid?

Answer #28

Depends. If you had extremely different ideas about the world, then there is a lot of potential for conflict. Not everyone can get along in a relationship like that.

Answer #29

The most stupid (not in any particular order xD): -Got super drunk and passed out in some random alleyway thing. Nothing happened but something could’ve. -Started cutting myself -Pushed my mum down the stairs. -Tried to kill myself -Got super high with my friends Dad. It was just really embarrassing because I was really soft back then. ugh D:

Answer #30

i did a lot of stupid things in my life xD [mention only few :)] -Drink Alcohol at class[put it in my bag and used straw to drink it with my classmates xD] -Put a highly explosive Fire Cracker at the school toilet. -Mixing Coke and Milk[it was yummy xDDD Seriously]

That are only a few of my least stupidest thing ive done. The Most STUPID OR STUPIDEST is Being negligence of my responsibilities.[not good for a future captain xD]

Answer #31

i did a lot of stupid things in my life xD [mention only few :)] -Drink Alcohol at class[put it in my bag and used straw to drink it with my classmates xD] -Put a highly explosive Fire Cracker at the school toilet. -Mixing Coke and Milk[it was yummy xDDD Seriously]

That are only a few of my least stupidest thing ive done. The Most STUPID OR STUPIDEST is Being negligence of my responsibilities.[not good for a future captain xD]

Answer #32

Wrecked my car because I was being stupid and all my buddies were in my car distracting me from driving..

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