stupid boyfriend

I am so frustrated! When I was single I made plans for weekend nights with friends, and had something fun to do. Even on nights I didn’t have plans I was fine being home alone, because I knew I could go out if I wanted to. Now I’ve got a live in boyfriend and I’m sitting here alone on Saturday night because last minute he got a call for a poker game. Same thing last night. I’m pissed off, and can’t do much because my best friend’s man is in town, other girlfriend’s live too far away and most of my other frends are guys, and that will just make things worse. He called and said he’d take me out after the game. but this is getting to be a weekly arguement. I keep thinking I should just plan for being alone and make plans with my friends, but I’d rather be with him. What’s the point of having a boyfriend if I’m alone anyway?

Answer #1

I know exactly how you feel… I’m so mad at him right now for similar reasons… at least you get to see your bf through out the week… my bf lives 3 minutes away, but we work dif scheduals, and he has the tendency to plan something with my and i’d try to change my plans around so we can get together, and then he cancels on me for a retarded reason which leaves me home alone and furious, and whats worse, i dont let him know that i’m upset…i hate him but i hate mysel more for not saying anything. this is my second weekend without seeing him, and i wont see him for another two!!!

Answer #2

I think your situation is not so difficult. Say that each second weekends are YOUR weekends. Make plans as before, and go out with your old friends as before. If your bf wants to go out with you he will have the occasion on your free weekends.

Answer #3

wow, I went through the exact same situation. every weekend my boyfriend would say he wanted to hangout so id cancel my plans with my friends and planned on hanging out with him. well as you can probably guess he ditched me 3 out of the 4 times he made me change my plans. I finally got sick of waiting around and letting him push me around and do whatever he wanted to I broke up with him. less than a day later he called me wanting me back and I said no for about a week and then after getting 5 calls a day from him saying he missed me and loved me and hed prove it to me I took him back. he’s so much better now and we’ve been together for 8 months now. goodluckkk!

Answer #4

well you and bf should plan things to do with eachother,it doesnt have to be something together every weekened,so talk to him and get a calender and you guys pick days you want to have a date on,this is fun,fair,and leaves you with something to look forward to,best wishes

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