Stuck in a rut... between dance and speech

Okay, so, here’s the deal: I’m on my high school’s speech team and dance team, and today was my very first speech meet. Well, today I also had a dance practice. So, I told my dance coach I was going to miss practice and go to the meet instead. I told her this yesterday, because it slipped my mind to tell her earlier in the week. Well, today she texts me, and told me that I should have came to practice, and was saying stuff about how I am committed to the dance team. She never says anything to other people who are on other teams like the basketball, wrestling, track, and volleyball team, and it’s not like I miss every practice. So this is wrong of her, right?? What should I do about it? It really offended me…

Answer #1

Decisions, decisions, it’s all part of growing up. Hopefully you’ll figure out some sort of plan and not have to drop one, but it might come down to that.

Answer #2

You should explain to her, be like “I realize I should have told you sooner but it just slipped my mind now, it seems to be that other dance members have had to do this in the past without a problem so why have those circumstances changed for me?”.

Be mature about it even though it’s a total tick off. She was probably just set off by the short notice and such. You need to realize though with dance it’s important to be there basically every time because there are routines and if you aren’t there you will REALLY fall behind. Trust me, I took dance and the days I weren’t there I always regretted it because with dance you learn routine pretty much every time and you need that practice and your team needs you because its hard to practice with missing members. If these teams are going to keep interlocking like this you might need to pick one over the other which could be difficult.

Answer #3

Your coach texted you? Did you authorize her to do that?

It’s you who committed to your dancing and speech team, and it’s you who needs to decide which one takes priority. That doesn’t mean it will be the same everytime - you may have an important dance class you can’t miss and you skip out on speech - that’s your choice to make. Your coach can’t press you. Unless what you’re doing is affecting the rest of the class, then she has no business telling you where you need to be.

Answer #4

Yea. That’s the thing: I do miss speech for dance, and I miss dance for speech. This was the very first time I’ve ever ditched dance for speech though… I guess I’m just really flustered by it…

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