How can I make my stomach stronger?

My stomach has been weak all week. I was sick and would throw everything up. I am now feeling better, but i still can’t keep anything in. This has been going on since Sunday. I missed school all week because of it, and i need to get better! Last night i even threw up all my pills, which NEED to stay down so i can fully recover. Graval won’t stay down either. Any ideas? Like, i have lost 12 pounds, if not more in less than a week. And i am really small for my age, so i can’t exactly afford to lose much more weight.

Answer #1

I am sorry your sick :( I don’t know of much that can help with that since it is a natural bodily function that isn’t easily stopped except the classic sip things slower and distract yourself. Try getting in a healthy/heated debate with someone, your emotions should take your mind off of it, that is what works for me. If you aren’t keeping anything down then taking somthing for that won’t help really so just keep trying to distract yourself. If it is nausea induced then try dabbing a bit of something that smells like peppermint on your nose and try chewing peppermint gum. Peppermint helps sooth the stomach.

Answer #2

Drinking a lot of milk strengthens the lining of your stomach, which probably would help.

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