Still not over him

Ok so its been 3 weeks since my x broke up with me and I have a boyfriend now and he is amazin and loves me and I love him soo much but I cant stop thinking about my x I have had soo many dreams about him and every where I look seems to be something to remiind me of him. I hang out with one of his good friends and that makes it harder too! I dont wanna think about him anymore im tired of herting he desnt know how much he heart me because I just shook it off well I tried to but its catchin up to me and its not fare to my boyfriend I dont wanna loose him either. Please tell me how I can get my x out of my head and heart!!

Answer #1

So, you break up. Obviously that’s not what you wanted. 3 weeks later you’re in love with some one else. But you can’t stop thinking about you’re ex.

Let’s see. Well first, you moved on too fast and clearly fall in love WAY too easily. Moving on and falling in love takes a lot of time. You shouldn’t start a new relationship with some one while still having feelings for your ex. However, it’s very common for people to think about their ex for a long long time after they’ve broken up. You will continue thinking about him, but as time goes on you will begin to think about him less and less. It’s all part of moving on. Which is why you should have waited and thought about everything before getting a new boyfriend. Either way you will be hurting some one, which will lead to hurting yourself. You love them both and eventually it will start showing. You’re new boyfriend will notice, and it could chase him away. So be careful. Just be strong, and be smart. Only you can decide what’s right for yourself.

Answer #2

here’s your problem…U HAVE ANOTHER BOYFRIEND I mean 3 weeks, come on…its to late now though because if you dump your current boyfriend ll feel even worse, just dont date again so soon after ending a relation ship

Answer #3

I don’t know how this will help you, but it sounds like you haven’t let your ex go yet. If he hurt you and you are with someone that treats you a lot better. Then naturally that is who you should be with, but at the same time logic never controls the heart. Only you can make yourself happy, if the person you are with now makes you feel good about yourself and makes you feel happy, then why are you dweling on the past? Let your ex go, it was your ex that messed up and left.

Answer #4

Seriously, 3 weeks and your in love already? Hun, you really need to SLOW down, because love does NOT happen THAT fast! Seems like the new boyfriend is a rebound. The fact that you are still hung up on your ex means you should have dealt with those feelings FIRST before jumping into another relationship. If you really want to do something, all you have to do is put your mind to it!!

Letting your ex know how bad he hurt you when he ended the relationship really wouldnt have made a difference in whether he would have left you or not. The fact is HE BROKE UP WITH YOU, because he no longer wanted to be with you. You need to let go once, and for all before your new boyfriend starts picking up on your vibes, and you will end up with nobody!

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