Still like my Ex...

Ok, so I went out with this guy for almost three months. I broke up with him because I started liking another guy, and I felt bad about continuing the relationship when I was hung up on someone else. I asked the other guy out, and we went out for a while, but he broke up with me. I started liking my ex again, and I really feel bad about what I did, and I want to go out again, or even just be friends. Any suggestions? :(

Answer #1

best thiing to do iis if you havent spoken to him for a while, text him or somthing out of the blue … it will get him curious… then just say its been a while scince youve spoken. that will start the convo off, then talk about whats been going for how ever long you havent spoken and it sounds stupid but get to know him again and let him understand that uve relised what you done is wrong… this way you qill become friends… then keep talking keep him intersted thn when you get to the point when you want ot tell him and you think it the right time then tel him you still have strong feelings for him. But you have to understand it miight take a while for you to to regain friendship and even maybe trust :)

Good luck hun !!! I noo what your going through I’ve been with a boyy a year and weve just spilt up I want him back !!! :P xxx hope this helps xx

Answer #2

well for sure at lest become friends with him again.and dont rush in2 telln him you like him again because..thatl just b wierd..but yeah kinda spark up your guys friendship wit him,let him no ul b ther,and over time,,u can tell him you likelike him and that you feel bad about what you did to him before!but yah gl! if you need to tlk fun mail me…and Ps I no exaclty what you mean because the same thing hapend to me 5 months ago

Answer #3

Have you thought about why it is you want him back? is it only because you got dumped and now lonely? or do you miss what you had?

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