Starving myself/in emotional pain

So far today I have only eaten 1 thing which was the french toast my mom left me before heading off to church,that was the only thing I ate ALL day,I had urges to eat more but I didn’t bother doing it. I would talk to people,but my family isn’t online and my mom just wouldn’t understand what emotional and mental pain I have been going through and earlier I went for a 35 minute walk around the area. Is something wrong with me?

Answer #1

all you want is attention Youre just doing this so somebody notices and feels bad for you and babys you. You say your mom is not there for you and youre hoping someone is gonna give you attention. You say its so bad but people have it way worse than you. Some kids dont have a home some kids dont have parents and get moved from foster home to foster home be thankfull you have a roof over your head, your f*cking french toast that some kids would kill over, your computer that your reading this on. You have no right to complain you dont have it half as bad as some kids, youre just another teenager wanting attention like all of us

Answer #2

No, everybody goes through that. When I’m upset, I don’t eat either. When my aunt died, I didn’t eat for 2 days.. I was so upset, I just wasn’t hungry. Going for walks seems to help a lot when things are bothering me. Hope you feel better!

Answer #3

You may also have depression. Depression is a mental illness that isn’t your fault and may cause you to lose your appetite. It’s unfair for someone to say that all you want is attention. Yes, there are children in foster homes and yes there are a ton of people worse off then you but that doesn’t change the fact that you are in pain. Talk to someone and soon, it may or may not be serious. A mental illness could worsen with time.

Answer #4

Your appitite should regain composure tomorow.

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