why have i started my period again this month?

i am on microgynon pill and have been for the past 5 years, ive had no problems untill now. i had my last period on the last monday of october and i havent finished my pack of pills yet but today i woke up and went to the toilet and relised i was bleeding like i had started my period but the thing is i didnt have any pains yesterday as i usually do before a period and i didnt have any PMT or anything and i havent got any pain now but im bleeding heavily. my mum is worried that im pregnant cos of this is there a chance cos i last had sex at least 30 weeks ago with my ex and my mum didnt know she was pregnant with me till 2 weeks before she had me and didnt show could this be happening to me or isit to do with my pill??

Answer #1

only way to tell is to take a pregnancy test..

Answer #2

You would know if you were pregnant if you had concieved 30 weeks ago… The baby would be almost due. Pregnant woman stay pregnant 42 weeks on avarage. If you are 30 weeks preg then you would definatly know

Answer #3

my mum didnt know til 2 weeks before :/

Answer #4

or go to the doctor to see what the reason may be for this

Answer #5

or go to the doctor to see what the reason may be for this

Answer #6

you shouldn’t be starting your period if you’re pregnant… If you MISSED your period, then that’s something to be worried about… I would probably say you should consult a doctor and tell them whats going on. If you know you already had your period and this is something irregular, it’s a good idea to get checked out.

Answer #7

You aren’t pregnant if it is been 30 weeks. You should talk to your doctor about changing your dose of birth control. I just went into a doctor for that, and they said after a while your hormones can change resulting in early bleeding. I switched my birth control and have had no problems since. (: Good luck.

Answer #8

If youre hanging around with a lot of other girls, your periods could sync up.

Answer #9

Sometimes changes in hormones can cause you to start your period early. Things like stress can alter your reproduction function. I doubt its because you are pregnant, but if you’re worried about that, or about how much you are bleeding talk to your GP

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