Who started the "emo" trend and when did this trend start?

Answer #1

I’ve been wondering the same thing. I guess it’s just sort of a mix between people looking for attention, Goth, and metal. Overall Emo’s annoy me… They are just people looking for attention by cutting themselves and inflicting pain on their body…

Answer #2

I believe that it all began with a music thing or something, and the style all began from there. I remember reading something about that. The whole cutting thing dosent meant ‘emo’ at all. Is just a stereotype, I think it has nothing to do with the member thing. That people have made it that way, that’s another thing.

Answer #3

I don’t think anybody really knows where it originated but classifying as “emo” doesn’t necessarily mean you are self harming. Now days anybody with black hair, dark clothes, or numerous piercings is considered “emo” witch is for the most part ignorant. Just because someone wants to dress a certain way is no cause for annoyance. And when people do purposefully inflict pain on themselves, it is usually more of a cry for help, than for attention.


Answer #4

Yes very true. I was being a bit prejudiced I am sorry for that :) What I mean is people who have a lot and don’t actually have anything to be so depressed about. And they have great parents friends house and no alcohol or drug problems

Answer #5

Dunno. “Emo” did not exist when I was young and beautiful. Back then all black-wearing long-haired noise people were evil heavy metal people. Listening to disturbing noise… I was one of them. Then someone invented the “Melodic Metal” genre. Making dark, evil heavy Metal music that actually sounded like music to parents. Some of them were even writing love-song texts in order to shock the heavy metal scene. http://funadvice.com/r/bj7fnfdjveo

Then some pop freaks discovered that there might be money in that style and created some bands that looked metal-style and played sad love songs with electric guitars. Their fans instantly transformed to be Emos as the music was so bad they could only cry. They were infinitely confused about whether they were small and cute, cuddly creatures or whether they are evil dark things of the night. So they started combining the black metal frock with PINK slip knots in their hair and HELLO KITTY shirts. X-[

Now they are drifting through life without orientation and everyone who is or used to be metal hates them, because they spoiled the evil reputation of the black wearing, long haired noise people. Nowadays you can’t just wear black to be perceived as evil creature of the night. No you need a “cannibal corpse” band-shirt minimum. :-(

Answer #6

Not really sure who started it, the style that inspired it probably actually started back in the late 60’s early 70’s with the birth of metal, for instance black sabbath if you look at a lot of Ozzy’s old outfits, the tight pants, all black, loads of eyeliner, and long hair that would often be over his face probably in some way contributed to the style I’m sure. But I guess if you continue on from their another big inspiration was probably definitely the grunge movement of the early 90’s, as many of the songs portrayed a lot of (usually negative) emotion, nirvana, smashing pumpkins etc.. Though they weren’t emo, I’m sure they definitely had some role. I guess today you could look at people who really kind of got it started via the early 2000’s who really made it popular, singers like jefree star, and the popular internet model kiki kannibal definitely helped play a role in the trend.. But who actually started it, we may never know..

Answer #7

I know plenty of people who aren’t “emo” and have used self-mutilation as a way of coping. You’d be surprised how many people you know that cut, you just don’t see it. I use to cut. I didn’t want attention. But you don’t know me at all. And you don’t know any of the people you just stereotyped and judged. How bout I just assume because you are Canadian all you do is hunt elk and your essentially unintelligent and barbarian? That’s how some Americans see you. Is that exactly fair towards you? Think before you speak. How old are you? Five?

Answer #8

I know plenty of people who aren’t “emo” and have used self-mutilation as a way of coping. You’d be surprised how many people you know that cut, you just don’t see it. I use to cut. I didn’t want attention. But you don’t know me at all. And you don’t know any of the people you just stereotyped and judged. How bout I just assume because you are Canadian all you do is hunt elk and your essentially unintelligent and barbarian? That’s how some Americans see you. Is that exactly fair towards you? Think before you speak. How old are you? Five?

Answer #9

Man you are just all over the place with ignorant remarks. Depression is a chemical imbalance in your brain that triggers extreme mood swings, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, and addiction. People who are depressed can correct it with medicine and therapy, such as people with cancer. But do you get annoyed or irritated by them? Probably not. Because thats whats wrong with the world, young naive children (who think they are adults) with lack of compassion for others or intelligence on anything they feel the right to talk about based on bias and false perceptions. I bet a lot of people think your life is perfect right? Because you don’t let people see what’s going on inside your house or your heart. You don’t see who people are or what people have, you see what those people want you to see. And they hide the rest. Grow up. I cut. I had a perfect family too. I swim for a national organization and go to college… But I’m annoying right? Because I didn’t have a reason? It’s called a disease idiot.

Answer #10

:| Dude cutting is hardly ever about getting attention, do your homework before you go posting sh;t like this.

Answer #11

Wtf is wrong with you? I’m asking a question. Not your opinion. You don’t just go around stereotyping Canadians because I wanted to know when this “emo” trend started. I’m not even judging anyone. Gosh read the thing properly for once.

Answer #12

yea and btw “hunt elk and your essentially unintelligent and barbarian” isn’t what a Canadian is thank you very much.

Answer #13

I am asking when the trend started not about what is being emo. If you don’t know when it started then please. Don’t waste your time and mine thank you :)

Answer #14

Thank you for answering:)

Answer #15

Thanks for answering :)

Answer #16

Sorry bro, this was supposed to be a comment on another dude’s ignorant post. My bad man.

Answer #17

ohhhhh ahha I was wondering! ahha noo worries then!

Answer #18

Why that angry? The barbari… eerrrm…mumble…. I wanted to say… chillz just asked about when the emo trend started. He didn’t say anything mean about emos. Nor did he say mean things about people who cut themselves.

Answer #19

I said some mean things about the Emos in my comment. But I’m supposed to. But that’s the rule of the game. Heavy metal fans are supposed to tease emos and emos are supposed to whine about that. They’d have nothing to whine if we stopped teasing and then they would have to give up being emo. So we provide them with reasons to remain emo………………………….. Slash wasn’t all nice either. But I don’t read anything inappropriate here that chillz wrote.

Answer #20

I’m not sure where or when it started, but I used to listen to emo back in high school. But, its not quite what most people consider emo these days. Emo really stands for emotive hardcore. I guess it would be considered a sub genre of punk…. Wanna hear some REAL emo? Take a listen to Moss Icon! Shout out to my neck of the woods!!

Answer #21

I have always associated emo with the melodic… introverted punk stylings that took shape in the late 90s. The movement grew out of straight edge… which I seldom hear mentioned anymore… and borrowed heavily from new wave. They didn’t so much speak about social issues as they did their own personal ones.

Later… as groups drew influence from the Misfits… TSOL… melody driven songs… they donned the horror punk macabre image and tempered it with 80s fashion trends identified with New Wave bands they also drew from… like The Human League… Adam and the Ants… etc.

Answer #22

Wait are you talking to me? I am so confused now.

Answer #23

Aight cool. Why are people so sensitive? Jesus, it’s not like I said emo people are the scum of the earth. You people need to chill the hell out. I made a mistake get over yourselves.

Answer #24

ahha thank you :)

Answer #25

For sure man!

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