What makes Stardust unique from other fantasy novels?

Answer #1

it’s a long movie.like an hour and a half I think.not sure and its story line is better than others.

Answer #2

Thing about Stardust is that it’s, in a way, a giant collaboration of many archetypes and story elements. It has the idea of magic and a magic world, which is nothing new, alongside this world, it has our world, the non-magic world. Then you have the archetype of the underdog, the protagonist fails time after time to get the unattainable girl (another archetype). Which then leads to the quest, another story element, whose prize is the girl. So now you travel to the magic world. The done before story of brothers wanting the crown, their pride greediness, lead them to fight for the crown. The other storyline in stardust, the witches, another archetype and story element; vanity. In attempts to be beautiful, they search for an element that will allow them to keep their beauty. Now, see each of these storylines that Stardust contains is not original, they have been seen throughout fairytales, books, movies etc, but what Stardust does, is combine them all together to create something new and unique. Now back to the storylines, the three main storylines are then brought together through the two main characters, the protagonist, the underdog boy (I forgot his name, sorry) and the Star, whom each character is hunting for. And then throughout each of the character’s quests, they go through obstacles, use magic and in each of these, you see little bits of things that are unique to just stardust. One rather unique thing, is the idea that the star is actually a human form in the other world and rock in our world. Anyways, it ends with your happy ending, the “bad guys” fail, the protagonist saves the star, he learns his lesson about Victoria and realizes his love for the star. So there, another element, the morale, or lesson of the story. :)

Answer #3

Holy crap, I just realize how badly I worded that.

Answer #4

wow im guessing you like theses movieS?

Answer #5

Nope, I hate movies, but I study film and novels, and am studying film-like courses in Univerity XD so I am supposed to know how to analyze and break each and every single one down.

Answer #6

The writer is amazing

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