Should me and my spouse split bills?

Alright so me and my spouse have been together for 4 years. We’ve always just put all of our money together to pay the bills and have fun. Now im wondering if maybe we should split the bills and keep our own money as i tend to be a bit selfish and spend more on myself or on our property. Not to say that we don’t do everything together.

I was thinking instead of just a community money pool, we should just split the bills 50/50. Like since the phone bill is primarily mine ill pay for it and since my credit card is in my name id pay for that as well, but things like internet, satellite, car insurance etc we would split 50/50 since we both use it equally. Would this make sense or would it pretty much be the same thing either way?

Answer #1

No the bills should not be split 50/50. If you buy most things for yourself you should pay from your own money, she the same. Everything else, food, utilities, and all those other bills that constitute living expenses should be paid by both.

Answer #2

Kent has covered it pretty well……Another option you could consider instead of splitting 50/50, you could allocate certain bills to each other. For example, if one person is paying all mortgages, you could reach an agreement whereby the other partner pay for all the living expenses. Or another option is to designate certain bills, example, electricity bills can be quite expensive so maybe ask one partner to look after that bill, and the other partner cover the grocery bills…Have one person look after council rates and insurances for the home or car etc.… I’m not very fond about splitting bills as whoever earns the most in the relationship tends to contribute more financially as he or she can afford it, but the other person who is earning less can contribute by paying for other stuff so it works out fairly even in the long run.

Answer #3

With few exceptions once you are married there is no longer any “your” and “my” money or bills. Nearly all assets and liabilities are communal after marriage. If there is a disparity in spending habits what you need is a budget. Allocate dollar amounts for each category and check at the end of the month to see if you over- or underspent the allotment. If one spouse habitually overspends in a category as a couple you need to decide if more money should be budgeted or if the overspending partner needs to reign in their spending. If you are married you are in this together kid.

Answer #4

Im only 18 so Im not too sure about this - but in my ctry this doesn’t seem to be the case at all, my parents still get into arguments with each other now and then over who pays what and who’s paid more.

Answer #5

Arguments about money occur in most marriages. I don’t know about Singapore law but where I live (TX USA) all assets except those acquired before marriage, gifts and inheritance are considered communal. Likewise both spouses are responsible for liabilities of either spouse unless they were from before the marriage and even those can be hard to separate after money and debts co-mingle.

Answer #6

Now that I think about it, I remember my spouse bringing up the idea of splitting the bills 50/50. I guess I’ll bring it up and we can try it out and hey, if it doesnt work we’ll just go back to it being our money! Thanks for the answers.

Answer #7

Now that I think about it, I remember my spouse bringing up the idea of splitting the bills 50/50. I guess I’ll bring it up and we can try it out and hey, if it doesnt work we’ll just go back to it being our money! Thanks for the answers.

Answer #8

Now that I think about it, I remember my spouse bringing up the idea of splitting the bills 50/50. I guess I’ll bring it up and we can try it out and hey, if it doesnt work we’ll just go back to it being our money! Thanks for the answers.

Answer #9

Now that I think about it, I remember my spouse bringing up the idea of splitting the bills 50/50. I guess I’ll bring it up and we can try it out and hey, if it doesnt work we’ll just go back to it being our money! Thanks for the answers.

Answer #10

well if ur married ur money and theyre money combine and become our money. so ur not really splitting ur both paying.

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