Spotting and period

Had Sex on 18th june.. Period was due on tha 1 of july.. Got period on tha 13 of july.. It lasted for about 4 Days.. Kept going from light blood to Dark Stuff .. Could I be preg..

Answer #1

Yes, why did you have unprotected sex? You could get herpes…or some other disease…Use your brain…

Answer #2

“Could I” questions are difficult to answer, because the realm of possibility is pretty wide open. Could you? Yes. Is it likely? No. A period is usually (but not always) a good sign that you aren’t pregnant. Though there are cases in which pregnant women continue to have their periods throughout their pregnancy, it is not the norm.

If you want to put your mind at ease once and for all, though, get a pregnancy test. They’re cheap and fast and usually very accurate. Then take this scare as a lesson learned and get on some kind of birth control.

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