How can i get someone to sponsor my music career because am just a beginner?

Answer #1

I’d say to start by getting out some samples of your work to people. If people have an idea of what it is that you sing or do and like it, you’d be much more likely to get ‘noticed’ and have people willing to put out some cash.

Answer #2


Answer #3

First, are you comfortable getting attention? You didn’t add a photo, here…which means either you’re shy, or don’t have one handy. If you are considering a career in something like music, you need to be comfortable, first, with the idea that everybody will know you by looking at you :)

That’s of course, aside from the countless hours of practice. True story: my younger brother is an amateur, self taught musician. This month, he’s opening for “too short”, a rapper who’s arguably had more influence on hip hop, rap, etc, than any other, over the past three decades.

So if you have the drive, even if you live in the middle of nowhere, practice is what will get you there. He’s never had a “sponsor” while learning…and even now, makes very little money. But, he loves what he’s doing.

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