Spoiled people.

If someone says you look spoiled b/c your stylish…is that bad? B/c I dont think that you have to be soiled to be stylish.

Answer #1

helpme is right.


take into consideration your age. your probably in middle school high school, where there is NO POSSIBLE WAY YOU CAN WORK to actually buy YOURSELF all the fancy clothes you wear.

therefor your depending on autonomous consumption of your parents. and they are buying everything for you.

in essence. if you didnt buy those clothes, and your parents did…then thats what they mean. your parents are buying you WHAT YOU WANT. therefor you are spoiled.

but, these kids need to also understand that their parents probably bought them clothes too. and therefore still depending on their paretns. now they probably DONT get the clothes THEY WANT, theyre families probably take them to a cheap place like the redneck mall (WALMART). but in some 3rd world country in Africa, these kids are considered spoiled to them.

the rich will never admit they are rich. the spoiled will never admit they are spoiled. the poor for some reason do.

everyone in America is rich compared to a lot of peoples standard of living in the world.

are you spoiled? well look at your wardrobe. and ask yourself if atleast half of what you have in there, you worked hard to earn a wage, in order to buy it yourself. and if you cant find half of your wardrobe bieng your hard earned money’s investment, then yes.

yes you are spoiled.

not because your stylish, but because you depend on others to get you what you want.

Answer #2

In my opinion No, I wear stuff from hollister abercrombie aeropostale and all the stuff from places like that.. people think I’m rich but I’m not I’m just a little above average so they think I’m stuck up and mean but I know I’m not so I just say screw you because me and my friends know that I am not. so you are not spoiled or anything…there probably just jealous.

Answer #3

if you have a good sense of fashion, or stylish..does not mean your spoiled. people can work hard for the money they get and spend if on clothes that make them look nice. no one can just assume you are spoiled because of the clothes you wear. never judge a book by its cover.

Answer #4

I dont think that being ‘stylish’ makes you spoiled I just think that certain brand names make people think that way. at my school most of the kids that wear abercrombie and hollister are stuck up

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