Spirtits and questions

..I would end up spending my whole night here ..but there are 2 many spirt stories to explian…ill just get to the point..

..how do I know if there are spirtis in my house…I mean is there something can do that can atrract them…and how do I know what they want??

Answer #1

Yes their is. If you are not scared of sprits then you can try asking them to show themselves (but speak outloud as if you were talking to real livin person) or say “if there is anyone here please show me a sign that you are here” and trust me it works I’ve done it twice but if there is no reply then theres no1 there . but make sure you try to talk to them at around 11:00 pm or later ! all the best coki123xx

Answer #2

no. you would go a couple days in the house and see if what you thought was ghosts is gone or not. if not your delusional or they ripped you off. thats when you ask for your molahh back. :]]]

Answer #3

the_fat_joint: Easy: There are no spirits in your house. Unless you have a liquor cabinet. That’ll be $19.99, please.

heyjay2: More to the point, how would you know if it “worked” or not? Do they just have to act all spooky and say “yes, there are spirits”?

Answer #4

I don’t know, a lot of ‘physics’ could be fakes, there really isn’t anyway to know who is or not, so I would say you call all of them and ask them for a money back gurantee if it doesn’t work then they’ll give you your money back.

Answer #5

The bible tells us to test the spirits, if it is not the Holy spirit, living within, we need not have anything to do with it, or them.

Demons can inhabit houses, it is very rare, but, it can happen, however, if you are a Christian, you do have power over them, if not, you can find a Christian to pray and clean your house out, if in fact there is something that is bothering you there.

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