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no age you just have to base the game on different things like kissing or any thing you can think of so just base the game on stuff like that
uhhh there is no age you have to be 2 play it! its not a bored game lol but all you do 2 play is get a group of people 2gether and sit every1 in a circle and you get a bottle doesnt matter what kind and the people take turns spining it and the person who the bottle pionts to onces it done spinning has 2 kiss the person who spun it
there is no age
it doesnt matter the age… you spin the FREAKEN bottle and see who it lands on then what ever you based the game on you do it! like kissing or something… =/
no age I’ve ever heard it. I’ve been with people who were playing but I didnt.
there’s no actuall age, because the questions differ depending on your age!!
when your married :D and with your spouse :D
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