Spin the bottle?

How old do you have to be and how do you play it?

Answer #1

no age you just have to base the game on different things like kissing or any thing you can think of so just base the game on stuff like that

Answer #2

uhhh there is no age you have to be 2 play it! its not a bored game lol but all you do 2 play is get a group of people 2gether and sit every1 in a circle and you get a bottle doesnt matter what kind and the people take turns spining it and the person who the bottle pionts to onces it done spinning has 2 kiss the person who spun it

Answer #3

there is no age

Answer #4

it doesnt matter the age… you spin the FREAKEN bottle and see who it lands on then what ever you based the game on you do it! like kissing or something… =/

Answer #5

no age I’ve ever heard it. I’ve been with people who were playing but I didnt.

Answer #6

there’s no actuall age, because the questions differ depending on your age!!

Answer #7

when your married :D and with your spouse :D

Answer #8


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